Perameles myosuros Wagner, 1841:293
Marl, Marl bandicoot, Western barred bandicoot, West Australian striped bandicoot, Saddle-backed perameles, Rat-tailed bandicoot, South Australian barred bandicoot (Wood Jones, 1924:146), mal, nyemmel, nymal (Noongar)
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Synonym/s: Perameles myosuros Wagner, 1841:293 (lapsus); Perameles myosura myosura Wagner, 1841:293; Perameles bougainville myosura Wagner, 1841:293; Perameles bougainville myosuros Wagner, 1841:293; Perameles arenaria Gould, 1844:104
Conservation Status
Extinct (Burbidge, 2024)
Last record: 1907 (Travouillon et al., 2023:188)
Western Australia, Australia
Type locality: "Swan River district and the surrounds of King George Sound, W.A." (Mahoney & Ride, 1988:40)
Type locality (arenaria): "near York, W.A." (Mahoney & Ride, 1988:40)
Biology & Ecology
Holotype: whereabouts unknown (Mahoney & Ride, 1988:40)
Holotype (arenaria): BMNH (skin) / BMNH (skull) (male) (Mahoney & Ride, 1988:40)
Original scientific description:
Wagner, J. A. (1841). Beschreibung einer neuen Art von Bandikuts, Perameles myosurus [sic], nebts Bemerkungen über Perameles obesula. Archiv für Naturgeschichte 7(1): 289-297.
Other references:
Abbott, Ian. (2008). Historical perspectives of the ecology of some conspicuous vertebrate species in south-west Western Australia. Conservation Science W. Aust. 6(3): 1-214.
Burbidge, Andrew A. (2024). Australian terrestrial mammals: how many modern extinctions? Australian Mammalogy.
Day, David. (1981). The Doomsday Book of Animals: A Natural History of Vanished Species. New York, N.Y.: The Viking Press.
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Friend, J. A. and Burbidge, A. A. (1995). Western Barred Bandicoot, Perameles bougainville, pp. 178-180. In: Strahan, Ronald (ed.). The Mammals of Australia. Chatswood, NSW: Reed Books. 756 pp.
Glauert, Ludwig. (1933). The distribution of the marsupials in Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 19: 17-32.
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Travouillon, Kenny J. and Phillips, Matthew J. (2018). Total evidence analysis of the phylogenetic relationships of bandicoots and bilbies (Marsupialia: Peramelemorphia): reassessment of two species and description of a new species. Zootaxa 4378(2): 224-256.
Wagner, J. A. (1853). In: Schreber, J. C. D. von (ed.) (1853-1855). Die Säugthiere in Abbildungen nach der Natur mit Beschreibungen. Eine Zusammenstellung der neuesten Entdeckungen auf dem Gebiete der Säugthierkunde. Leipzig: T.O. Weigel Suppl. 5 xxvi 810 pp. 51 pls.
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