Chaeropus ecaudatus ecaudatus Ogilby, 1838:26
Pig-footed bandicoot, Chestnut-eared chaeropus, landwang (Murray-Darling region) (Krefft, 1866:12)
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Synonym/s: Perameles ecaudatus Ogilby, 1838:25 (basionym); Chæropus ecaudatus Ogilby, 1838:25; Chaeropus ecaudatus Ogilby, 1838:25; Choeropus ecaudatus Ogilby, 1838:26 (used by Glauert, 1933:24); Chaerpus ecaudatus Ogilby, 1838:26 [orth. error used by Grein, 1997]; Chaeropus castanotis Gray, 1842:42
Conservation Status
Extinct (Burbidge & Woinarski, 2016; Burbidge, 2024)
Last record: 1900 (Travouillon et al., 2023); 1910-1920 (aboriginal testimony) (Travouillon et al., 2023)
IUCN RedList status: Extinct
The last European record of the Pig-footed bandicoot is commonly quoted as being in 1926. However, Fischer (1988) and (Burbidge et al., 2008) state that this and other 1920's sightings are unconfirmed.
New South Wales, South Australia (eastern), Victoria (western), & Queensland (prehistorically), Australia
Type locality: "from forest near Murray River, S of junction with Murrumbidgee River between Mitchell's Camp of Passage and 2nd Camp (as "banks of the River Murray ... interior of New South Wales"), Vic." (Mahoney & Ride, 1988:36)
Type locality: "Australia, New South Wales, banks of Murray River, south of the junction with Murrumbridge River" (Groves, 1993)
Biology & Ecology
"Ecology: terrestrial, (fossorial), open woodland; probably herbivorous and insectivorous, plains, preferring open woodland with shrubs and grasses, excavates shallow nesting holes"
(Mahoney & Ride 1988:37)
Holotype: AM PA(.)422 (Beck et al., 2022:SM17)
Non-type specimens:
BMNH (skin & skull) (holotype of castanotis) (Mahoney & Ride, 1988:36)
QML1312 (Hocknull, 2005b:77)
Other specimens that belong to Chaeropus ecaudatus, but it is unknown to me at present whether they represent the nominate form:
BMNH 1848.1.27.40 (Beck et al., 2022:SM17)
BMNH 1848.1.27.41 (Beck et al., 2022:SM17)
NMV C2900 (Beck et al., 2022:SM17)
UMZC A7.19/1 (Beck et al., 2022:SM17)
At least one specimen has unfortunately been destroyed (Fisher, 1984:206)
Above: illustration by John Gould. Source: Wikimedia Commons.
Original scientific description:
Ogilby, William. (1838). On a new species of marsupial animal by Major Mitchell on the banks of the Murray river in New South Wales. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 6: 25-27.
Other references:
NB: all of the references below relate to Chaeropus spp., but may not relate to this taxon.
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