Stilpnia cyanicollis albotibialis (Traylor, 1950)
Blue-necked tanager
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Synonym/s: Tangara cyanicollis albotibialis Traylor, 1950
Conservation Status
Last record: 9 December 1929
Rediscovered on 16 December 2020, at c.07.30 h
"Our observation appears to be the first documented record of the subspecies since 1929. However, there is a single undocumented report from the 1980s by R. B. Cavalcanti (in litt. 2021) and the late E. O. Willis, in Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park, at the border of a narrow gallery forest. Cavalcanti noted the conspicuous blue head but, although Willis mentioned seeing the white marks on both tibia, they observed neither the purple on the throat nor the blue belly."
(Santos & Kuhlmann, 2021:328)
Chapada dos Veadeiros, Goiás, Brazil
Biology & Ecology
Holotype: FMNH Birds 75034
Original scientific description:
Traylor, M. A. (1950). A new subspecies of tanager from Brazil. Nat. Hist. Misc. 64: 1-2.
Other references:
Kirwan, G. M., Whittaker, A. and Zimmer, K. J. (2015). Interesting bird records from the Araguaia River Valley, central Brazil, with comments on conservation, distribution and taxonomy. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 135: 21-60.
Santos, Estevão Freitas and Kuhlmann, Marcelo. (2021). Rediscovery of the Blue-necked Tanager Stilpnia cyanicollis albotibialis in the Chapada dos Veadeiros, Goiás, Brazil. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 141(3): 327-334.