
Philydor novaesi Teixeira & Gonzaga, 1983

Alagoas foliage-gleaner



Taxonomy & Nomenclature



Conservation Status

Extinct (BirdLife International, 2019a,b)

Last record: 13 September 2011 (video recording) (Pereira et al., 2014 [as September 2011]; Butchart et al., 2018b); 9 April 2012 (unconfirmed?) (Butchart et al., 2018b; Kittelberger et al., 2024 [as 2012])

IUCN RedList status: Extinct



Alagoas, Brazil


Biology & Ecology







Sound recordings, videos and photos of the species can be accessed at the Macaulay Library website:



Original scientific description:

Teixeira, D. M. and Gonzaga, L. P. (1983). Um novo Furnariidae do nordeste do Brasil: Philydor novaesi sp. nov. Bol. Mus Para. Emílio Goeldi 124: 1-22.


Other references:

Akcakaya, H. R.; Keith, D. A.; Burgman, M.; Butchart, S. H. M.; Hoffmann, M.; Regan, H. M.; Harrison, I.; Boakes, E. 2017. Inferring extinctions III: a cost-benefit framework for listing extinct species. Biological Conservation 214: 336-342.

Barnett, Juan Mazar and Buzzetti, Dante Renato Corrêa. (2014). A new species of Cichlocolaptes Reichenbach 1853 (Furnariidae), the ‘gritador-do-nordeste’, an undescribed trace of the fading bird life of northeastern Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia 22(2): 75-94.

BirdLife International. (2015). Species factsheet: Philydor novaesi. Downloaded from on 11/03/2015.

BirdLife International. 2016. Philydor novaesi. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T22702869A93892757. Downloaded on 08 January 2017.

BirdLife International 2019a. Philydor novaesi . The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019: e.T22702869A156126928. Downloaded on 11 December 2019.

BirdLife International. 2019b. Philydor novaesi. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019: e.T22702869A156126928. Accessed on 19 June 2022.

Brewer, David. (2018). Birds New to Science: Fifty Years of Avian Discoveries (Helm Photographic Guide Series). Christopher Helm. 416 pp.

Butchart, Stuart H. M., Lowe, Stephen, Martin, Rob W., Symes, Andy, Westrip, James R. S. and Wheatley, Hannah. (2018a). Which bird species have gone extinct? A novel quantitative classification approach. Biological Conservation 227: 9-18.

Butchart, Stuart H. M., Wheatley, Hannah, Lowe, Stephen, Westrip, James R. S., Symes, Andy and Martin, Rob W. (2018b). Data for: Which bird species have gone extinct? A novel quantitative classification approach. Mendeley Data, V1, doi: 10.17632/vvjhpmyxb4.1

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Kittelberger, Kyle D., Tanner, Colby J., Buxton, Amy N., Prewett, Amira and Şekercioğlu, Çağan Hakkı. (2024). Correlates of avian extinction timing around the world since 1500 CE. Avian Research 15: 100213. [Supplementary data (List of 216 taxa)]

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Roda, S. A. (2008). Philydor novaesi Teixeira & Gonzaga, 1983. In: Machado, A.B.M.; Drummond, G.M. & Paglia, A.P. (Orgs.). Livro Vermelho da Fauna Brasileira Ameaçada de Extinção. Belo Horizonte, Fundação Biodiversitas/MMA. pp. 572-573.

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