
Atrichornis clamosus Gould, 1844

Noisy scrub-bird, Noisy scrubbird, Western scrubird, djimolook



Taxonomy & Nomenclature

Synonym/s: Atrichia clamosus Gould, 1844


Conservation Status

Last record: 1889 (Anonymous, 1920; Smith, 1979:117; Abbott, 2008:25)

Rediscovered in 1961

IUCN RedList status: Endangered


Historical collections:

"It is likely that the vegetation round Lake Seppings, Albany is where G. Masters collected his many specimens in 1866 (cf. Abbott 2000: 308)." (Abbott, 2008:25)

The last known specimen collected was a male, taken by A. J. Campbell in 1889 near Torbay, who also heard several other males (Anonymous, 1920; Smith, 1979:117; Abbott, 2008:25).


Post-disappearance encounters, searches and expeditions:

Possible records of the species exist, probably from the early 1890's (Abbott, 2008:25).

E. D. Atkinson unsuccessfully searched for the species around Albany in 1895 (Abbott, 2008:25).

Sometime before 1907, F. L. Whitlock unsuccessfully searched around Torbay and westwards to Denmark for the species (Whitlock, 1927; but see Abbott, 2008:24).

S. W. Jackson, aided by Frank Thompson (Thompson, 1975), unsuccessfully searched for the species in the Irwin Inlet – Mt Frankland district 40-50 km west of Denmark in 1912 (Abbott, 1998,2008:24). Presumably so as to not cover the same failed ground as Whitlock (Ibid.).

Charles Allen probably rediscovered the species in October 1943, but refused to show anybody where he found the species (Abbott, 2008:25).



The species was famously rediscovered in 1961 by H. O. Webster (Webster, 1962a,b; Serventy, 1962).



Western Australia, Australia


Biology & Ecology







Above: illustration published in (Mathews, 1919-1920:pl.373).



Original scientific description:

Gould, John. (1844). Description of Atrichia clamosa. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1844: 1-2.

Other references:

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