Toxodon platensis Owen, 1837
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Synonym/s: Toxodon angustidens Owen, 1846; Toxodon burmeisteri Giebel, 1866; Toxodon ensenadensis Ameghino, 1887; Toxodon gervaisii Gervais and Ameghino, 1880; Toxodon paradoxus Ameghino, 1882
Conservation Status
Last record: Late Pleistocene
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil & Uruguay
Anatomy & Morphology
It weighed an estimated 1,000–1,200 kg (Nelson et al., 2023).
Biology & Ecology
Original scientific description:
Owen, Richard. (1837). A description of the cranium of the Toxodon platensis, a gigantic extinct mammiferous species, referable by its dentition to the Rodentia, but with affinities to the Pachydermata and the herbivorous Cetacea: Geological Society of London, Proceedings, 2, 541-542.
Other references:
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