Bartramia alaris Dixon & Sainsbury (1933)
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Conservation Status
Last record: 1929 (Glenny et al., 2011)
"Known [in Australia] only from several collections made by W.W.Watts in 1899 from one locality in eastern N.S.W.; rare in New Zealand. The Australian specimens were recorded from soil on a river bank, growing with Triquetrella, as also noted in New Zealand."
(Bell, 2012:3)
"The moss Bartramia alaris is known from a single collection from Havelock North in 1929... It has not been collected in recent years, but nor has it been searched for intensively."
(Glenny et al., 2011)
Havelock North, Hawke's Bay district, North Island, New Zealand & New South Wales, Australia
Biology & Ecology
"It was found in pasture, but otherwise nothing is known of its ecology."
(Glenny et al., 2011)
Above: Mosses, Bartramia alaris Dixon & Sainsbury, collected January 1929, Havelock North, Endsleigh., New Zealand. CC BY 4.0. Te Papa (M005750)
Above: Mosses, Bartramia alaris Dixon & Sainsbury, collected January 1929, Havelock North, Endsleigh., New Zealand. CC BY 4.0. Te Papa (M005750)
Original scientific description:
Dixon, H. N. and Sainsbury, G. O. K. (1933). New and rare species of New Zealand mosses. Journal of Botany, British and Foreign 71: 213-220, 244-251.
Other references:
Bell, Graham H. (2006). 1. Bartramia, pp. 249-256 [250-251]. In: McCarthy, Patrick M. (ed.). Flora of Australia Volume 51 (Mosses 1). Canberra & Melbourne: ABRS and CSIRO Publishing. xx + 450 pp.
Bell, Graham H. (2012). Australian Mosses Online. 42. Bartramiaceae: Bartramia. (2012)
de Lange, P.J. (2022). Bartramia alaris Fact Sheet (content continuously updated). New Zealand Plant Conservation Network. (Accessed 10 April 2022)
Glenny, D., Fife, A. J., Brownsey, P. J., Renner, Matt A. M., Braggins, J. E., Beever, J. E. and Hitchmough, R. (2011). Threatened and uncommon bryophytes of New Zealand (2010 Revision). New Zealand Journal of Botany 49(2): 305-327.
Hitchmough, Rod, Bull, Leigh and Cromarty, Pam (compilers). (2007). New Zealand Threat Classification System lists—2005. Department of Conservation, Wellington. 194 pp.
Sainsbury, G. O. K. (1955). A handbook of the New Zealand mosses. Royal Society of New Zealand Bulletin 5.