Mantellias pubicornis Westwood, 1889
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Conservation Status
Last record: 1889 or before
Rediscovered in 2015 or before
Amazonas & Pará, Brazil
Original scientific description:
Westwood, J. O. (1889). Revisio insectorum familiae mantidarum, speciebus novis aut minus cognitis descriptis et delineates. Gurney & Jackson, London. 55 pp.
Other references:
Agudelo, A. A. R., Lombardo, F. and Jantsch, L. J. (2007) Checklist of the Neotropical mantids (Insecta, Dictyoptera, Mantodea). Biota Colombiana 8: 105-158.
Beier, M. (1935). Mantodea. Fam. Mantidae. Subf. Thespinae. Genera Insectorum 200: 1-32.
Beier, M. (1964). Ordnung: Mantodea Burmeister 1838 (Raptoriae Latreille 1802; Mantoidea Handlirsch 1903; Mantidea auct.). In: Bronns Klassen und Ordnungen des Tierreichs, III, Abt., 6. Buch, 5, pp. 849-970. [Leipzig]
Cerdá, F. J. (1996). Mantodea de Venezuela. Géneros y lista preliminar de especies. Parte 3: Familia Mantidae (Subfamilias Oligonychinae, Angelinae y Mantinae). Boletin de Entomología Venezolana 11: 89-101.
Ehrmann, R. (2002). Mantodea Gottesanbeterinnen der Welt. Natur und Tier, Verlag. 519 pp.
Ehrmann, R. and Koçak, A. O. (2009). The neotropical mantids (Insecta Dictyoptera- Mantodea). Centre for Entomological Studies Ankara (SECA) News 49: 1-18.
Giglio-Tos, E. (1919). Saggio di Una Nuova Classificazione dei Mantidi. Bulletino della Società Entomologica Italiana 49: 50-87.
Giglio-Tos, E. (1927). Orthoptera, Mantidae. Das Tierreich 50: 1-707.
Kirby, W. F. (1904). A synonymic Catalogue of Orthoptera. (Forficulidae, Hemimeridae, Blattidae, Mantidae and Phasmidae).
Maldaner, Caroline, Agudelo, Antonio A. and Rafael, José Albertino. (2015). Rediscovery of Mantellias pubicornis Westwood, 1889, a rare praying mantis from the Amazon (Mantodea, Thespidae, Oligonicinae). Zootaxa 3973(1): 195-199. [Abstract] [References]
Rivera, J. (2010). A historical review of praying mantid taxonomy and systematics in the Neotropical Region: State of knowledge and recent advances (Insecta: Mantodea). Zootaxa 2638: 44-64.
Terra, P. (1995). Revisão sistemática dos Gêneros de Louva-a-Deus da região neotropical (Mantodea). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 39(1): 13-94.