Viola cryana Royer ex Gillot (1878:256)
Cry violet, Cry pansy, Pensée de Cry
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Synonyms: Viola hispida subsp. cryana (Royer ex Gillot) P.Fourn. in Fl. Compl. Plaine Franç.: 56 (1928); Viola kitaibeliana proles cryana (Royer ex Gillot) Rouy & Foucaud in Fl. France 3: 52 (1896); Viola tricolor proles cryana (Royer ex Gillot) Rouy & Foucaud in Fl. France 3: 52 (1896)
Conservation Status
Extinct (Lucas & Synge, 1978:35,91,533; Juillet, 2011; Baillie & Butcher, 2012:88; Abeli et al., 2021; Albani Rocchetti et al., 2022) or Invalid (synonym of V. hispida) (POWO, 2024) or Invalid (synonym of V. kitaibeliana) (POWO, 2018 fide Humphreys et al., 2019)
Last record: 1927 (Juillet, 2011); 1950's?
IUCN RedList status: Extinct
Biology & Ecology
Abeli, Thomas, Albani Rocchetti, Giulia, Barina, Zoltan, Bazos, Ioannis, Draper, David, Grillas, Patrick, Iriondo, José María, Laguna, Emilio, Moreno-Saiz, Juan Carlos and Bartolucci, Fabrizio. (2021). Seventeen ‘extinct’ plant species back to conservation attention in Europe. Nature Plants 7: 282-286.
Albani Rocchetti, Giulia, Carta, Angelino, Mondoni, Andrea, Godefroid, Sandrine, Davis, Charles C., Caneva, Giulia, Albrecht, Matthew A., Alvarado, Karla, Bijmoer, Roxali, Borosova, Renata, Bräuchler, Christian, Breman, Elinor, Briggs, Marie, Buord, Stephane, Cave, Lynette H., Da Silva, Nílber Gonçalves, Davey, Alexandra H., Davies, Rachael M., Dickie, John B., Fabillo, Melodina, Fleischmann, Andreas, Franks, Andrew, Hall, Geoffrey, Kantvilas, Gintaras, Klak, Cornelia, Liu, Udayangani, Medina, Leopoldo, Reinhammar, Lars Gunnar, Sebola, Ramagwai J., Schönberger, Ines, Sweeney, Patrick, Voglmayr, Hermann, White, Adam, Wieringa, Jan J., Zippel, Elke Zippel and Abeli, Thomas. (2022). Selecting the best candidates for resurrecting extinct-in-the-wild plants from herbaria. Nature Plants 8: 1385-1393. [Supplementary Tables S1-S6]
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Juillet, N. (2011). Viola cryana. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2011: e.T165210A5990668. Accessed on 12 June 2022.
La Liste Rouge des Espèces Menacées en France—Chapitre Flore Vasculaire de France Métropolitaine (UICN France, FCBN, AFB, MNHN, 2018).
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Lucas, Grenville Llewellyn and Synge, Hugh (compilers). (1978). The IUCN Plant Red Data Book. Morges, Switzerland: IUCN. 540 pp. [pp. 35 (Extinct), 91 (Extinct), 533 (Extinct)]
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POWO. (2018). Plants of the World online. Facilitated by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
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