
Thyrocopa sapindiella Swezey, 1913:274



Taxonomy & Nomenclature



Conservation Status

Missing (Medeiros, 2009:33)

Last record: 12 November 1910 (Medeiros, 2009:33)


Distribution & Habitat

Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, USA


Anatomy & Morphology



Biology & Ecology










Original scientific description:

Swezey, O. H. (1913). One new genus and eighteen new species of Hawaiian moths. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 2: 269-280.


Other references:

Medeiros, Matthew J. (2009). A revision of the endemic Hawaiian genus Thyrocopa (Lepidoptera: Xyloryctidae: Xyloryctinae). Zootaxa 2202(1): 1-47.

Zimmerman, Elwood C. (1978). Insects of Hawaii. Vol. 9 Microlepidoptera. The University Press of Hawaii, Honolulu.


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