Thyrocopa peleana Swezey, 1932:200
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Conservation Status
Missing (Medeiros, 2009:33)
Last record: 10 September 1927 (wild) (Medeiros, 2009:32); 1927 or later (in captivity) (Medeiros, 2009:32,33)
Distribution & Habitat
Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, USA
Anatomy & Morphology
Biology & Ecology
Original scientific description:
Swezey, O. H. (1932). Notes on Hawaiian Lepidoptera, with descriptions of new species. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 8: 197-202.
Other references:
Medeiros, Matthew J. (2009). A revision of the endemic Hawaiian genus Thyrocopa (Lepidoptera: Xyloryctidae: Xyloryctinae). Zootaxa 2202(1): 1-47.
Swezey, O. H. (1954). Forest entomology in Hawaii - an annotated check-list of the insect fauna of the various components of the Hawaiian forests (Vol. 44). Honolulu: Honolulu Star-Bulletin.
Zimmerman, Elwood C. (1978). Insects of Hawaii. Vol. 9 Microlepidoptera. The University Press of Hawaii, Honolulu.