Petasactis technica (Meyrick, 1888:92)
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Conservation Status
Last record: 1888 or before
Whangarei Heads, Northland, North Island, New Zealand
Biology & Ecology
"Host niche and biology unknown; larva possibly in dead leaves of large monocots or in dead wood."
(Patrick & Dugdale, 2000:29)
Original scientific description:
Meyrick, Edward. (1888). Descriptions of New Zealand Tineina. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 20: 77-106.
Other references:
Hoare, Robert J. B., Dugdale, John S., Edwards, E. D., Gibbs, G. W., Patrick, Brian H., Hitchmough, R. A. and Rolfe, J. R. (2017). Conservation status of New Zealand butterflies and moths (Lepidoptera), 2015. New Zealand Threat Classification Series 20. Department of Conservation, Wellington. 13 pp.
Hudson, G. V. (1928). The Butterflies and Moths of New Zealand. Wellington: Ferguson & Osborn Ltd. [p. 337]
Meyrick, Edward. (1915). Revision of New Zealand Tineina. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute. 47: 205-244.
Patrick, Brian H. and Dugdale, John S. (2000). Conservation status of New Zealand Lepidoptera. Science for conservation 136. 34 pp.
Stringer, I. A. N., Hitchmough, R. A., Dugdale, John S., Edwards, E., Hoare, Robert J. B. and Patrick, Brian H. (2012). The conservation status of New Zealand Lepidoptera. New Zealand Entomologist 35(2): 120-127. doi:10.1080/00779962.2012.686316