Papaipema aweme (Lyman, 1908)
Awesome borer moth, Aweme borer, Small white-aster moth
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Synonym/s: Gortyna aweme Lyman, 1908; Papaipema aveme (Lyman, 1908)
Conservation Status
Last record: 1936 (Hardwick & Stead, 1998) or later
Rediscovered in 2005
North America
Biology & Ecology
Original scientific description:
Lyman. (1908). Recent work among the borers. Can. Ent. 40 (8) : 249-255.
Other references:
COSEWIC. (2006). COSEWIC assessment and status report on the Aweme Borer, Papaipema aweme in Canada. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlifein Canada. Ottawa. 25 pp.
Hampson, 1910; Cat. Lepid. Phalaenae Br. Mus. 9: 81, pl. 139, f. 1.
Hardwick, D. F. and Stead, K. (1998). The life history of Schinia sanguinea (Geyer) (Noctuidae:Heliothentinae) with a report on a survey for Heterocera in southwestern Ontario. Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 52(4): 381-385.
Johnson, Kyle E., Badgero, Dwayne R. and McBride, Anthony. (2017). Natural History and Distribution of Papaipema aweme (Noctuidae). The Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 71(4): 199-210. [Abstract]
Jones, J. (2015). Recovery strategy for the Aweme Borer Moth (Papaipema aweme) in Ontario. Ontario Recovery Strategy Series. Prepared for the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Peterborough, Ontario. 21 pp.
Sheppard, A. C. and Vickery, V. R. (1975). Types and type designations of North American Lepidoptera in the Lyman Entomological Museum collection. The Canadian Entomologist 107(10): 1129-1132.