Euphydryas chalcedona perdiccas Baker, 1881:80
Island checkerspot, Variable checkerspot
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Synonym/s: Melitæ Perdiceas Baker, 1881:80 (original combination)
Invalid (synonym of Euphydryas colon)
Conservation Status
Invalid (synonym)
Vancouver Island (souther), Canada
Biology & Ecology
Original scientific description:
Edwards, W. H. (1881). Synoptic table of lepidoptera. Bull. Brooklyn Entomol. Soc. 3(9): 80-81.
Other references:
W. H. Edwards (1881). Bull. Brooklyn Entomol. Soc. 3(11): 97. [emandation of 'perdiceas' to 'perdiccas']
Ferris, Clifford D. (1989). Supplement to: A catalogue/checklist of the butterflies of America north of Mexico. The Lepidopterists' Society Memoir No.3: vii + 1-103.
Lilley, P., N. Page, and J. Heron. (2009). Surveys for Taylor’s Checkerspot and Other Butterfly Species at Risk on Southeastern Vancouver Island (2009). Report prepared for B.C. Ministry of Environment by Raincoast Applied Ecology. 16 pp. + appendices.