Antanartia borbonica mauritiana Manders, 1908
Mauritius admiral
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Conservation Status
Last record: 1947
Mauritius, Mascarene Islands
Biology & Ecology
Original scientific description:
Manders, N. (1908). The butterflies of Mauritius and Bourbon. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1907(4): 429-454.
Other references:
Davis, P. M. H. and Barnes, M. J. C. (1991). The Butterflies of Mauritius. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 30(3-4): 145-161.
Manders, N. (1906). The variation of the larva and pupa of Vanessa hippomene Hub. Entomologist 39: 41-42.
Martire, D. and Rochat, J. (2008). Les papillons de La Reunion et leur chenilles. Publications Scientifiques du Museum. 496 pp. [relevant citation?]
Pyrcz, Tomasz W. (2017). Mauritius butterflies revisited: short faunal survey reveals a new record for the Mascarene fauna – Leptotes jeanneli (Stempffer). Metamorphosis 28: 16-21.
Vinson, J. M. (1938). A catalogue of the Lepidoptera of the Mascarene Islands. Mauritius Inst. Bull. 1938: 1-69.
Williams, J. R. (2007). Butterflies of Mauritius, 2nd edition. Bioculture Press. 48 pp.