Lampetra minima Bond & Kan, 1973
Miller Lake lamprey
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Synonym/s: Entosphenus minima Bond & Kan, 1973; Entosphenus minimus Bond & Kan, 1973
Conservation Status
Last record: 1952 (1958?)
Rediscovered in 1992 (1996?)
IUCN RedList status: Vulnerable
Miller Lake, Oregon, USA
USNM 210967.5069890 (5 fish)
Original scientific description:
Bond, C. E. and Kan, T. T. (1973). Lampetra (Entosphenus) minima n. sp., a dwarfed parasitic lampreyfrom Oregon. Copeia 1973: 568-574.
Other references:
Clemens, Benjamin J. (2017). Progress report: Miller Lake Lamprey. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. 6 pp.
Clemens, Benjamin J. (2018). Progress report: Miller Lake Lamprey. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. 7 pp.
Clemens, Benjamin J. et al. (2020). 2019 Progress Report: Miller Lake Lamprey. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. 10 pp.
Clemens, Benjamin J. and Wang, Christina J. (2021). Dispelling misperceptions of native lampreys (Entosphenus and Lampetra spp.) in the Pacific northwest (USA). Conservation Science and Practice 2021: e402.
Holmes, Branden. (2021). What's Lost and What Remains: The Sixth Extinction in 100 Accounts (eBook). Self published.
Kan, T. T. and Bond, C. E. (1981). Notes on the biology of the Miller Lake lamprey Lampetra (Entosphenus) minima. Northwest Science 55: 70-74.
Lorion, C. M., Markle, D. F., Reid, S. B., Docker, M. F. and Schaefer, S. A. (2000). Redescription of the presumed-extinct Miller Lake lamprey, Lampetra minima. Copeia 2000: 1019-1028. [Abstract]
Miller, R. R., Williams, J. D. and Williams, J. E. (1989). Extinctions of North American fishes during the past century. Fisheries 14(6): 22-38.
NatureServe. (2013). Entosphenus minimus. In: IUCN 2013. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.2. ( Downloaded on 25 May 2014.
Oregon Natural Heritage Program. (2001). Rare, Threatened and Endangered Plants and Animals of Oregon. Oregon Natural Heritage Program, Portland, Oregon. 94 pp. (98 pp. PDF).
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. (2005). Miller Lake lamprey, Lampetra (Entosphenus) minima, conservation plan implementation strategy. Final Commission Approved 6-10-05.
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