Conturbatia crenata Gerlach, 2001
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Conservation Status
Last record: 2000
IUCN RedList status: Critically Endangered (Possibly Extinct)
Fregate island, Seychelles
Biology & Ecology
Cowie, Robert H., Régnier, Claire, Fontaine, Benoît, and Bouchet, Philippe. (2017). Measuring the Sixth Extinction: what do mollusks tell us? The Nautilus 131(1): 3-41.
Gerlach, J. 2005. The impact of rodent eradication on the larger invertebrates of Fregate island, Seychelles. Phelsuma 13: 20-27.
Gerlach, J. 2006. Terrestrial and Freshwater Mollusca of the Seychelles Islands. Backhuys, Leiden.
Gerlach, J. 2009. Conturbatia crenata. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2009: e.T168141A6458885. Downloaded on 25 December 2015.
Gerlach, J., Matyot, P. and Samways, M.J. 2005. Developing strategies for invertebrate conservation, the case of the Seychelles islands. Phelsuma: 9-12.