Tribonyx hodgenorum (Scarlett, 1955:265)
Hodgens' waterhen, New Zealand flightless gallinule, New Zealand native-hen
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Synonyms: Rallus hodgeni Scarlett, 1955: Rec. Cant. Museum 6: 265 – Pyramid Valley Swamp, Canterbury.; Rallus hodgenorum (Scarlett, 1955:266); Pyramidia [sic] hodgeni (Scarlett); Oliver 1955, New Zealand Birds, 2nd edition: 596.; Pyramida hodgeni Scarlett, 1955:266; Gallirallus hartreei Scarlett, 1970: Notornis 17: 70 – near Napier.; Capellirallus hodgeni (Scarlett); Scarlett 1970, Notornis 17: 71.; Gallinula (Tribonyx) hodgeni (Scarlett); Olson 1975, Nat. Mus. N.Z. Rec. 1: 68.; Gallinula hodgenorum (Scarlett); Olson 1986, Notornis 33: 32 – Emendation.; Gallinula hodgeni (Scarlett); Checklist Committee 1990, Checklist Birds N.Z.: 123.; Tribonyx hodgenorum (Scarlett); Livezey 1998, Phil. Trans. Biol. Sci. (B) 353: 2100.; Gallinula hodgenorum (Scarlett); Checklist Committee 2010, Checklist Birds N.Z.: 187.
Treated under the genus Tribonyx by (Checklist Committee (OSNZ), 2022:60; Miskelly et al., 2022).
Conservation Status
Last record: c.1700 (Cassels et al., 1988); 1700 (Kittelberger et al., 2024)
IUCN RedList status: Extinct
North Island & South Island, New Zealand
Biology & Ecology
Above: Hodgens' Waterhen. Gallinula hodgenorum. From the series: Extinct Birds of New Zealand., 2005, Masterton, by Paul Martinson. Purchased 2006. © Te Papa. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Te Papa (2006-0010-1/47)
Original scientific description:
Scarlett, Ron J. (1955). A new rail from South Island swamps In New Zealand. Records Canterbury Mus. 6: 265-266.
Other references:
BirdLife International. (2014). Tribonyx hodgenorum. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.2. ( Downloaded on 26 July 2014.
BirdLife International. 2017. Tribonyx hodgenorum (amended version of 2016 assessment). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2017: e.T62274163A119207810. Accessed on 02 July 2022.
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