
Whitesloanea crassa (N.E.Br.) Chiov.



Taxonomy & Nomenclature

Synonym/s: Caralluma crassa N.E. Br. (basionym); Drakebrockmania crassa (N.E.Br.) A.C.White & B.Sloane


Conservation Status

Rediscovered twice


"Not far from Sheikh is a barren stony hillside which is assumed to be the type locality of the remarkable stapeliad Whitesloanea crassa, discovered in 1914, not rediscovered until 1957 (see Cactus & Succulent Journal of America 31: 107. 1959), and subsequently thought to be possibly extinct (Nat. Cact. Succ. J. 30: 34. 1975)."

(Johnson, 1982:14)


"Somalia is very appealing to many lovers of succulent plants for various good reasons. Somalia is a very difficult and dangerous travel destination and yet it is the natural habitat of a great number of rare and difficult to cultivate, oddly shaped and ultra succulent plants of various plant families. Whitesloanea crassa, (N.E.Br.) Chiov. once believed extinct and then rediscovered, is just one example."

(van Veldhuisen, 2022:20)





Biology & Ecology










Original scientific description:

Brown, N. E. (1935). Plants New or Noteworthy. Caralluma crassa, N. E. Br. Gdnrs' Chron. (3) 98: 6.


Other references:

Bally, P. R. O. (1959). Three Interesting Stapeliads from Somaliland. Cactus Succul. J. Am. 31: 107-111.

Bally, P. R. O. (1961). White-sloanea crassa. The Flowering Plants of Africa 34: t. 1338.

Bally, P. R. O., Horwood, F. K. and Lavranos, J. J. (1975). A Monograph of the Genera Pseudolithos and Whitesloanea. The National Cactus and Succulent Journal 30(2): 31-36.

Bruyns, P. V. (1998). The relationships of Whitesloanea crassa. Edinburgh Journal of Botany 55(1): 27-37.

Chiovendra, E. (1937). Di un nuovo Genere della Famiglia Asclepiadaceae Sect. Stapelieae. Malpighia 34: 541-542.

Johnson, Margaret. (1982). Camel's Milk and Aloes: The travels of a Kew Expedition to Somalia. The Cactus and Succulent Journal of Great Britain 44(1): 9-16.

Lucas, Grenville Llewellyn and Synge, Hugh (compilers). (1978). The IUCN Plant Red Data Book. Morges, Switzerland: IUCN. 540 pp. [pp. 77-78]

Rauth, W. and Rauth, H. (1974). Baja California. The National Cactus and Succulent Journal 29(2): 44-51. ["possibly extinct"]

Rowley, G. (1973). Save the Succulents! A practical step to aid conservation. Cact. Succ. J. Am. 45: 9.

van Veldhuisen, Rikus. (2022). Euphorbia horwoodii S. Carter & J. Lavranos. Euphorbia World 18: 20-26.

White, A. and Sloane, B. L. (1937). The Stapelieae I. Pasadena, California, pp. 401-403.


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