
Progura gallinacea De Vis, 1888

Giant malleefowl, Australian giant megapode



Taxonomy & Nomenclature

Synonym/s: Leipoa gallinacea De Vis, 1888; Chosornis prateritus De Vis, 1889; Palaeopelargus nobilis De Vis, 1891


Conservation Status


Last record: Late Pleistocene





Biology & Ecology




QM F1132 (partial carpometacarpus) (Louys & Price, 2015:557)

QM F5558 (partial scapula) (Louys & Price, 2015:557)






Original scientific description:

De Vis, Charles W. (1888a). Australian ancestry of the crowned pigeon of New Guinea. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland 5: 127-131.


Other references:

Boles, Walter. (2004). Systematics of the Australian giant megapodes Progura (Aves: Megapodiidae), pp. 7. In: Buffetaut, Eric and Loeuff, Jean Le (eds.). Sixth International Meeting of the Society of Avian Paleontology and Evolution, 28 September-3 October, 2004, Quillan, France. 70 pp.

Boles, Walter E. (2008). Systematics of the fossil Australian giant megapodes Progura (Aves: Megapodiidae). Oryctos 7: 195-295.

Boles, Walter E. and Mackness, B. (1994). Birds from the Bluff Downs Local Fauna, Allingham Formation, Queensland. Records of the South Australian Museum 27: 139-149.

De Vis, Charles W. (1888b). A glimpse of the post-Tertiary avifauna of Queensland. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, series 2, 3: 1277-1292.

De Vis, Charles W. (1889). Additions to the list of fossil birds. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland, 6: 55-58.

De Vis, Charles W. (1891). Residue of the extinct birds of Queensland as yet detected. Proceedings of the Linnean Society New South Wales, series 2, 6: 437-456.

Grellet-Tinner, Gerald, Spooner, Nigel A. and Worthy, Trevor H. (2016). Is the “Genyornis” egg of a mihirung or another extinct bird from the Australian dreamtime? Quaternary Science Reviews 133: 147-164.

Hocknull, Scott A. et al. (2020). Extinction of eastern Sahul megafauna coincides with sustained environmental deterioration. Nature Communications 11: 2250.

Jones, Darryl and Göth, Ann. (2008). Mound-Builders. Australian Natural History Series. Collingwood, VIC: CSIRO Publishing. 119 pp.

Louys, Julien and Price, Gilbert J. (2015). The Chinchilla Local Fauna: An exceptionally rich and well-preserved Pliocene vertebrate assemblage from fluviatile deposits of south-eastern Queensland, Australia. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 60(3): 551-572.

Murray, P. F. (1991). The Pleistocene megafauna of Australia, pp. 1071-1164. In: Vickers-Rich, P., Monaghan, J. M., Baird, R. F., and Rich, T. H. Vertebrate Palaeontology of Australiasia. Lilydale, Victoria: Pioneer Design Studio.

Pledge, Neville S. (1990). The Upper Fossil Fauna of the Henschke Fossil Cave, Naracoorte, South Australia. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum (Proceedings of the De Vis Symposium) 28(1): 247-262.

Reed, Elizabeth H. and Bourne, Steven J. (2009). Pleistocene Fossil Vertebrate Sites of the South East Region of South Australia II. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 133(1): 30-40. [material from Naracoorte treated as Leipoa gallinacea, but Latagallina naracoortensis since reinstated]

Shute, Elen, Prideaux, Gavin J. and Worthy, Trevor H. (2017). Taxonomic review of the late Cenozoic megapodes (Galliformes: Megapodiidae) of Australia. Royal Society Open Science 4: 170233 (72 pp.).

Tyrberg, Tommy. (2008). The Late Pleistocene Continental Avian extinction – an evaluation of the fossil evidence. Oryctos 7: 249-269.

van Tets, Gerry F. (1984). A checklist of extinct fossil Australasian birds, pp. 469-475. In: Archer, M. and Clayton, G. (eds.). Vertebrate Zoogeography and Evolution in Australasia. Carlisle: Hesperian Press.

van Tets, Gerry F. (1985). Progura gallinacea De Vis, 1888: The Australian Giant Megapode, pp. 195-199. In: Vickers-Rich, Patricia and van Tets, Gerard Frederick. (eds.). Kadimakara: Extinct Vertebrates of Australia. Lilydale, Victoria: Pioneer Design Studio. 284 pp.

Wells, Rod T., Moriarty, K. and Williams, D. L. G. (1984). The fossil vertebrate deposits of Victoria Fossil Cave Naracoorte: an introduction to the geology and fauna. The Australian Zoologist 21(4): 305-333.

Worthy, Trevor H. and Nguyen, Jacqueline M. T. (2020). An annotated checklist of the fossil birds of Australia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 144(1): 66-108.

Worthy, Trevor H., Nguyen, Jacqueline M. T. and Travouillon, Kenny J. (2024). Checklist of the Fossil Bird Species of Australia. Available from: [Accessed 24 November 2024]

Worthy, Trevor H., Nguyen, Jacqueline M. T. and Travouillon, Kenny J. (2025). Checklist of the Fossil Bird Species of Australia. Available from: [Accessed 1 March 2025]


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