
Neonothopanus gardneri (Berk. ex Gardner) Capelari, Desjardin, B.A.Perry, T.Asai, Stevani (2011)

flor de coco, Gardner's glowing mushroom (proposed)



Taxonomy & Nomenclature

Synonym/s: Agaricus gardneri Berk. (basionym)


Conservation Status

Last record: 1840

Rediscovered in 2005





Biology & Ecology

A bioluminescent species.









Original scientific description:

Gardner, George and Berkeley, Miles. (1840). Description of a new phosphorescent species of Agaricus. Hooker's Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany 1: 426-428.

Other references:

Bechara, Etelvino J. H. (2015). Bioluminescence: A Fungal Nightlight with an Internal Timer. Current Biology 25(7): R283-R285.

Capelari, Marina, Desjardin, Dennis E., Perry, Brian A., Asai, Tatiane and Stevani, Cassius V. (2011). Neonothopanus gardneri: a new combination for a bioluminescent agaric from Brazil. Mycologia 103(6): 1433-1440.

Holmes, Branden. (2021). What's Lost and What Remains: The Sixth Extinction in 100 Accounts (eBook). Self published.

Nóbrega, Bianca B. et al. (2021). Optimized methodology for obtention of high-yield and -quality RNA from the mycelium of the bioluminescent fungus Neonothopanus gardneri. Journal of Microbiological Methods 191: 106348.

Oliveira, Anderson G. et al. (2015). Circadian Control Sheds Light on Fungal Bioluminescence. Current Biology 25(7): 964-968.

Ventura, Fernanda F. (2015). Efeitos das condiçőes de cultivo e desenvolvimento de um bioensaio de toxicidade com o fungo bioluminescente Neonothopanus gardneri. Dissertation, Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Química.

Ventura, Fernanda F., Silva, R. T. P. and Stevani, C. V. (2015). História do Fungo Bioluminescente Flor-de-Coco (Neonothopanus gardneri) e Efeitos das Condições de Cultura Sobre a Emissão de Luz. Rev. Virtual Quim. 7(1): 41-55.

Ventura, Fernanda F. et al. (2021). Toxicity of metal cations and phenolic compounds to the bioluminescent fungus Neonothopanus gardneri. Environmental Advances 4: 100044.

Vieira, Maycon Bruno Barbosa et al. (2022). A review on bioluminescent fungus Neonothopanus gardneri. Research, Society and Development 11(5): e16811528009.


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