
Tristramella sacra Günther, 1864:493

Long jaw tristramella



Taxonomy & Nomenclature

Synonym/s: Hemichromis sacra Günther, 1864:493 (original combination); Parachromis sacer (Günther, 1864:493); Paratilapia sacra (Günther, 1864:493); Chromis paterfamilias Lortet, 1876


Conservation Status


Last record: 1989/1990 (Goren, 2014a,b)

IUCN RedList status: Extinct



Lake Kinneret (=Lake Tiberias), Israel


Biology & Ecology




For a photograph of a preserved specimen:



For a photograph of a preserved specimen:



Original scientific description:

Günther, A. (1864). Report on a collection of reptiles and fishes from Palestine. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1864: 488-493.

Other references:

Ben Tuvia, A., Davidoff, E.B., Shapiro, J. and Shefler, D. (1992). Biology and management of Lake Kinneret fisheries. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture - Bamidgeh 44: 48-65.

Chervinski, Jonathan. (1986). Identification of additional tilapia from Lake Kinneret, Israel, by the form of their scales. Aquaculture 55(2): 157-159. [Abstract]

Goren, M. (2014a). Tristramella sacra. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.1. ( Downloaded on 09 July 2014.

Goren, M. (2014b). Tristramella sacra. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2014: e.T61372A19010617. Downloaded on 26 June 2021.

I. L. Kornfield, U. Ritte, C. Richler and J. Wahrman. (1979). Biochemical and Cytological Differentiation Among Cichlid Fishes of the Sea of Galilee. Evolution 33(1), part 1: 1-14. [Abstract]

Krupp, F. and Schneider, W. (1989). The fishes of the Jordan River drainage basin and Azraq Oasis. Fauna of Saudi Arabia 10: 347-416.

Spataru, P. and Gophen, M. (1986a). I.V.a. Gut Content Analysis. In: Cooperative Marine Technology Program for The Middle East.

Spataru, P. and Gophen, M. (1986b). Food composition of Tristramella sacra (Günther, 1864) (Cichlidae) in Lake Kinneret (Israel). Israel Journal of Zoology 34: 183-189. [Abstract]

Steinitz, H. and Ben-Tuvia, A. (1960). The Cichlid fishes of the genus Tristramella Trewavas. Journal of Natural History Series 13, 3(27): 161-175. [Abstract]

Trewavas, E. (1942). The Cichlid Fishes of Syria and Palestine. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (11) 9: 526-536.

Walline, P. D.; Pisanty, S.; Gophen, M. and Berman, T. (1993). The ecosystem of Lake Kinneret, Israel, pp. 103-109. In: V. Christensen and D. Pauly (eds.). Trophic models of aquatic ecosytems. ICLARM Conf. Proc. 26, 390p.


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