Paretroplus menarambo Allgayer, 1996
Pinstripe damba, damba menarambo (Malagasy)
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Conservation Status
Last record: late 1990's
Rediscovered in 2011 or before
IUCN RedList status: Critically Endangered
Original scientific description:
Allegayer, R. (1996). Description d'une espèce nouvelle du genre Paretroplus Bleeker (Teleostei: Cichlidae) de Madagascar. Revue Francaise des Cichlidophiles 159: 6-20.
Other references:
Andriafidison, D., Jenkins, R.K.B., Loiselle, P.V., McCaskie, T., Rakotoarivelo, A.A., Rahalambomanana, J., Ravelomanana, T., Raminosoa, N. and Saunder, A. (2011). Preliminary fish survey of Lac Tseny in north-western Madagascar. Madagascar Conservation & Development 6(2): 83-87.
Leiss, Laura et al. (2022). Review of threatened Malagasy freshwater fishes in zoos and aquaria: The necessity of an ex situ conservation network—A call for action. Zoo Biology 41: 244-262.
de Rham, P. and Nourissat, J.-C. 2002. Les cichlidés endémiques de Madagascar. Association France Cichlid. Sagrafic, Barcelona, Spain.
Ziegler, Thomas et al. (2020). Keeping and breeding of threatened endemic Malagasy freshwater fishes at Cologne Zoo (Germany): a contribution towards the advancement of a conservation breeding network. Zool. Garten N.F. 88: 123-155.