
Moxostoma robustum Cope, 1870:473

Robust redhorse



Taxonomy & Nomenclature

Synonym/s: Ptychostomus robustum Cope, 1870


Conservation Status

Last record: 1800's

Rediscovered in 1991

IUCN RedList status: Endangered





Biology & Ecology









Original scientific description:

Cope, Edward Drinker. (1870). A partial synopsis of the fishes of the freshwaters of North Carolina. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society II: 448-495.


Other references:

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Wirgin, I., Oppermann, T. and Stabile, J. 2001. Genetic divergence of robust redhorse Moxostoma robustum (Cypriniformes Catostomidae) from the Oconee River and the Savannah River based on mitochondrial DNA control region sequences. Copeia 2001: 526-530.


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