Macquaria sp. nov. 'Kangaroo River'
Kangaroo River perch, Kangaroo River Macquarie perch, Shoalhaven River Macquarie perch
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Conservation Status
Missing or extinct (Low & Booth, 2023)
Last record: 1998
Kangaroo River & Shoalhaven River, Shoalhaven area, New South Wales, Australia
Biology & Ecology
Faulks, L. K., Gilligan, D. M. and Beheregaray, L. B. (2010). Evolution and maintenance of divergent lineages in an endangered freshwater fish, Macquaria australasica. Conservation Genetics 11(3): 921-934.
Garnett, Stephen T., Hayward-Brown, Brittany K. et al. (2022). Australia's most imperilled vertebrates. Biological Conservation 270: 109561.
Huntsdale, Justin (7 December, 2019). Murky hunt for what could be Australia's first extinct native freshwater fish. ABC News (online). Availale at: [Accessed 21 August 2022]
Kaminskas, S. (2021). Alien pathogens and parasites impacting native freshwater fish of southern Australia: A scientific and historical review. Australian Zoologist 41(4): 696-730.
Lintermans, M., Geyle, H. M., Beatty, S., Brown, C., Ebner, B. C., Freeman, R., Hammer, M. P., Humphreys, W. F., Kennard, M. J. and Kern, P. (2020). Big trouble for little fish: Identifying Australian freshwater fishes in imminent risk of extinction. Pacific Conservation Biology 26(4): 365-377.
Low, Tim and Booth, Carol. (2023). GONE: Australian animals extinct since the 1960s. Invasive Species Council Inc.