Gila sp. nov. 'Parras de la Fuente'
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Conservation Status
Last record: after 1964? (cf. Miller, 1964)
Since rediscovered (Garza-Tobón et al., 2006)
Parras de la Fuente, Coahuila, México
Biology & Ecology
Garza-Tobón, Daniel et al. (2006). Rediscovery of an “extinct” fish that was never described, Gila sp. of Parras de la Fuente, Coahuila, México: data on its description, ecology and captive care, pp. 6. In: DFC Annual Meeting Program.
Miller, Robert Rush. (1964). Redescription and illustration of Cyprinodon latifasciatus, an extinct Cyprinodontid fish from Coahuila, Mexico. The Southwestern Naturalist 9(2): 62-67. [Abstract] [p. 66]