Chirostoma aculeatum Barbour, 1973
Scowling silverside
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Conservation Status
Extinct in the wild?
Last record: 1993
IUCN RedList status: Critically Endangered (Possibly Extinct in the Wild)
Biology & Ecology
Lyons J., González-Hernandéz G., Soto-Galera E., Guzmán-Arroyo M. 1998. Decline of freshwater fishes and fisheries in selected drainages of west-central Mexico. Fisheries. 23: 10-18.
Mercado-Silva, N., Lyons, J., Díaz-Pardo, E., Gutiérrez-Hernández, A., Ornelas-García, C.P., Pedraza-Lara, C., and Vander Zanden, M.J. 2006. Long-term changes in the fish assemblage of the Laja River, Guanajuato, Central Mexico. Article in Aquatic Conservation Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 16(5): 533 - 546.
Miller, R.R., Minckley, W.L. and Morris, S.M. 2005. Freshwater Fishes of Mexico. The University of Chicago Press., Chicago, USA.
Soto-Galera, E. and Alcántara-Soria, L. 2016. Actualización de la Colección Nacional de Peces dulceacuícolas mexicanos, ENCB. Instituto Politécnico Nacional. Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO, Proyectos No. HA026, FM027, FM017, Y026, W040, T027, S115, L051 y P006. CONABIO, México, D.F.
Soto-Galera E., Diaz-Pardo, E., Lopez-Lopez E. and Lyons, J. 1998. Fish as indicators of environmental quality in the Rio Lerma Basin, Mexico. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management 1(3-4): 267-276.
Soto Galera, E. & Mercado Silva, N. 2019. Chirostoma aculeatum. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019: e.T191129A1970666. Accessed on 05 July 2022.