
Mucuna macropoda Bak. f., 1923:11



Taxonomy & Nomenclature



Conservation Status

Last record: 28 October 1885

Rediscovered in ?



New Guinea


Biology & Ecology










Original scientific description:

Baker, Edmund Gilbert.( 1923) Dr. H. O. Forbes's New Guinea plants. Journal of Botany 61: 1-64 [11].


Other references:

Hopkins, H. C. F. and Hopkins, J. G. (1993). Rediscovery of Mucuna macropoda (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae), and its pollination by bats in Papua New Guinea. Kew Bulletin 48(2): 297-305. [First page preview]

Lock, J.M. & Ford, C.S. (2004). Legumes of Malesia a Check-List: 1-295. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

Verdcourt, B. (1979). A Manual of New Guinea Legumes. Office of Forests, Lae, PNG.

Wiriadinata, H., Ohashi, H. and Adema, F. (2016). Notes on Malesian Fabaceae (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae) 16. The genus Mucuna. Blumea 61(2): 90-124.


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