
Cynometra beddomei Prain



Taxonomy & Nomenclature



Conservation Status

Last (and only) record: 1870 (Nayar & Sastry, 1990:130)

Rediscovered in 1998

IUCN RedList status: Extinct


Still listed as Extinct by (Baillie & Butcher, 2012:88; Humphreys et al., 2019)



Karnataka & Kerala, India (Balan & Predeep, 2021)


Biology & Ecology










Abeli, Thomas, Sharrock, Suzanne and Albani Rocchetti, Giulia. (2022a). Out-of-date datasets hamper conservation of species close to extinction. ResearchSquare preprint.

Abeli, Thomas, Sharrock, Suzanne and Albani Rocchetti, Giulia. (2022b). Out-of-date datasets hamper conservation of species close to extinction. Nature Plants 8: 1370-1373.

Baillie, Jonathan E. M. and Butcher, Ellen R. (2012). Priceless or Worthless? The world’s most threatened species. London, UK: Zoological Society of London.

Balakrishna, P. 1993. Letter to Kerry S. Walter with corrections to Conservation Status Listing for India.

Balan, A. P. and Predeep, S. V. (2021). Legumes of Kerala, India: a checklist. Journal of Threatened Taxa 13(5):  18257-18282.

Ganeshaiah, K. N. (2005). Recovery of endangered and threatened species: Developing a national priority list of plants and insects. Current Science 89(4): 599-600.

Humphreys, Aelys M., Govaerts, Rafaël, Ficinski, Sarah Z., Lughadha, Eimear Nic and Vorontsova, Maria S. (2019). Global dataset shows geography and life form predict modern plant extinction and rediscovery. Nature Ecology & Evolution 3: 1043-1047. [Supplementary Dataset 1]

Nayar, M. P. and Sastry, A. R. K. (eds.). (1990, reprinted 2000). Red Data Book of Indian Plants. Volume 3. Calcutta: Botanical Survey of India. 271 pp., 8 pls. [p. 130-131]

Oldfield, Sara, Lusty, Charlotte and MacKinven, Amy (compilers). (1998). The World List of Threatened Trees. Cambridge, U.K.: World Conservation Press. 650 pp.

Ramesh, B.R. and Pascal, J.-P. 1997. Atlas of endemics of the Western Ghats (India). Distribution of tree species in the evergreen and semi-evergreen forests. Institut Français de Pondichéry.

Rao, C. Kameswara, Geetha, B. L. and Suresh, Geetha. (2003). Red List of Threatened Vascular Plant Species in India: Compiled from the 1997 IUCN Red List of Threatened Plants. ENVIS Centre on Floral Diversity, Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata. xxiv + 144 pp. [automatic download]

Sasidharan, N. (1998).Studies on the flora of Periyar Tiger Reserve. KFRI Research Report No. 150. Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, Kerala. 558 pp.

WCSP (2003). World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. Facilitated by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Published on the Internet;

World Conservation Monitoring Centre. 1998. Cynometra beddomei. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 1998: e.T31184A9605932. Downloaded on 17 September 2016.


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