Sorex ornatus relictus Grinnell, 1932:389
Buena Vista Lake shrew
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Conservation Status
Last record: pre-1933
Rediscovered: 1995
Buena Vista Lake, Kern County, California, USA
Biology & Ecology
Original scientific description:
Grinnell, J. 1932. A relic shrew from central California. University of California Publications in Zoology 38: 389-390.
Other references:
Biosystems Analysis, Inc. 1989. Endangered Species Alert Program Manual: Species Accounts and Procedures. Southern California Edison Environmental Affairs Division.
Clark, W.A., S.M. Juarez, and D.L. Chesemore. 1982. Nature Conservancy small mammal Inventory of Paine Wildflower Preserve and the Voice of America in Kern County, California. The Nature Conservancey, San Francisco, California, unPubl. rept., 47 pp.
Freas, K. 1990. An investigation of the distribution and abundance of the Buena Vista Lake shrew, SOREX ORNATUS RELICTUS, at the Kern Lake Preserve. Unpublished report to The Nature Conservancy. Center for Conservation Biology, Stanford University, Stanford, California. 6 pp.
Grinnell, J. 1933. Review of the recent mammal fauna of California. University of California Publications in Zoology 40:71-284.
Hall, E. Raymond. 1981. The Mammals of North America, Vols. I & II. John Wiley & Sons, New York, New York. 1181 pp.
Harvey, D. 2000. Proposed Endangered status for the Buena Vista Lake Shrew. Federal Register 65:35033-35040.
Maldonado, J. 1994. The population status of the Buena Vista Lake shrew (SOREX ORNATUS RELICTUS). University of California, Los Angeles. Unpublished report.
Maldonado, J. 1995. The population of the Buena Vista Lake shrew (SOREX ORNATUS RELICTUS). University of California, Los Angeles. Unpublished draft report.
Maldonado, J. 1998. Surveys for the Buena Vista Lake Shrew at the Kern Lake Perserve, Kern Co., California. University of California, Los Angeles, CA. Unpubl. report. 15 pp.
Moore, S. B., T. Detwiler, J. Winckel, and M. D. Weegar. 1989. Biological residue data for evaporation ponds in the San Joaquin Valley, California. San Joaquin Valley Drainage Program, Sacramento, CA.
Olson, O. E. Selenium toxicity in animals with emphasis on man. J. Am. College. Toxicol. 5:45-70.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1995. Category and Listing Priority Form.
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1997. Draft recovery plan for upland species of the San Joaquin Valley, California. Region 1, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Portland, Oregon. 295 pp.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1999. Candidate and listing priority assignment forms.
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2000. Proposed endangered status for the Buena Vista Lake Shrew. Federal Register 65:35033-35040.
USFWS (U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service). (2001). Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants: Review of plant and animal species that are candidates or proposed for listing as endangered or threatened, annual notice of findings on recycled petitions, and annual description of progress on listing actions; proposed rule. Federal Register 66: 54808-54832.
Williams, D. (1994). Draft scope of work: population status and habitat associations of the Buena Vista shrew. San Joaquin Valley Endangered Species Recovery Planning Program, Fresno, California. Unpublished report. 5 pp.
Williams, Daniel F. (1986). Mammalian Species of Special Concern in California. Prepared for the state of California, the Resources Agency, Department of Fish and Game, Sacramento, CA 95814. vi + 100 pp.
Williams, D. F. and Kilburn, K. S. (1984). Sensitive, threatened, and endangered mammals of riparian and other wetland communities in California. Pages 950-956 in R. E. Warner and K. M. Hendrix, editors. California riparian systems: ecology, conservation, and productive management. University of California Press, Berkeley.