Halityle regularis Fisher, 1913
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Synonym/s: Culcitaster anamesus Clark, 1914
Conservation Status
Africa, Australia, Madagascar and the Philippines
Biology & Ecology
Original scientific description:
Fisher, W. K. (1913). New starfishes from the Philippine Islands, Celebes and Moluccas. Proc. U.S. Natn. Mus. 46: 201-224.
Other references:
Baker, Alan N. and Marsh, Loisette M. (1976). The rediscovery of Halityle regularis Fisher (Echinodermata: Asteroidea). Records of the Western Australian Museum 4(2): 107-116 pl. 1.
Clark, H. L. (1914). The echinoderms of the Western Australian Museum. Rec. West.
Aust. Mus. 1: 132-],73, pIs 17-26.
Doderlein, L. (1935). Die Asteriden der Siboga Expedition. III Oreasteridae. Siboga Exped. Monogr. 46: 71-110, pIs 20-27.
Fisher, W. K. (1919). Starfishes of the Philippine seas and adjacent waters. Bull. U.S. Natn. Mus. no. 100: 3: xi, 712 p. 156 pIs.
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