Thismia neptunis Becc. (1878:251)
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Conservation Status
Last (and only) record: April 1866 (Sochor et al., 2018:74)
Rediscovered in January 2017 (Sochor et al., 2018:71)
Gunung Matang massif, western Sarawak, Bornean Malaysia
Biology & Ecology
Original scientific description:
Beccari, O. (1878) Burmanniaceae. Malesia 1: 240-253.
Other references:
Dančák, Martin, Hroneš, Michal and Sochor, Michal. (2020). Thismia: the rarest of the rare? Ranges of some Bornean species are much larger than previously believed. Phytotaxa 455(4): 245-261. [Abstract]
Garrett, Natalie, Viruel, Juan, Klimpert, Nathaniel, Gomez, Marybel Soto, Lam, Vivienne K. Y., Merckx, Vincent S. F. T. and Graham, Sean W. (2023). Plastid phylogenomics and molecular evolution of Thismiaceae (Dioscoreales). American Journal of Botany 110(4): e16141.
Govaerts, R. (2004). World Checklist of Monocotyledons Database in ACCESS: 1-54382. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
Govaerts, R., Wilkin, P. & Saunders, R.M.K. (2007). World Checklist of Dioscoreales. Yams and their allies: 1-65. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
Merckx, Vincent, Schols, Peter, Kamer, Hiltje Maas-van de, Maas, Paul, Huysmans, Suzy and Smets, Erik. (2006). Phylogeny and evolution of Burmanniaceae (Dioscoreales) based on nuclear and mitochondrial data. American Journal of Botany 93(11): 1684-1698.
Sochor, Michal, Egertová, Zuzana, Hroneš, Michal and Dančák, Martin. (2018). Rediscovery of Thismia neptunis (Thismiaceae) after 151 years. Phytotaxa 340(1): 71-78.