
Partula labrusca Crampton & Cooke, 1953

Vine tree-snail, Vine Raiatea tree snail



Taxonomy & Nomenclature



Conservation Status


Last record: 1992 (wild); 2002 (captivity) (both Smith, 2023)

IUCN RedList status: Extinct


Extinct in the Wild according to (Cowie et al., 2017).



Raiatea, Society Islands, French Polynesia


Biology & Ecology







For a photograph of this species see:



Original scientific description:

Crampton, H.E. & Cooke, C.M. J. 1953. New Species of Partula from Southeastern Polynesia. Occ. Pap. B.P. Bishop Mus. 21(8): 135-159.


Other references:

Coote, T. (2009a). Partula labrusca. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.1. ( Downloaded on 29 August 2012.

Coote, T. (2009b). Partula labrusca. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2009: e.T16290A5597584. Accessed on 12 June 2022.

Coote, T. and Loeve, E. (2003). From 61 species to five: endemic tree snails of the Society Islands, French Polynesia fall prey to an ill-judged biological control programme. Oryx 37(1): 91-96.

Cowie, Robert H., Régnier, Claire, Fontaine, Benoît, and Bouchet, Philippe. (2017). Measuring the Sixth Extinction: what do mollusks tell us? The Nautilus 131(1): 3-41.

Gerlach, Justin. (2016). Icons of Evolution: Pacific Island tree-snails, family Partulidae. Cambridge, U.K.: Phelsuma Press. [Available from Amazon] [Description of new species] [List of synonyms]

Lathan, Tom and Kohda, Claire. (2024). Lost Wonders: 10 Tales of Extinction from the 21st Century. Picador. 433 pp.

Lee, Taehwan et al. (2014). Evolutionary history of a vanishing radiation: isolation-dependent persistence and diversification in Pacific Island partulid tree snails.  BMC Evolutionary Biology 14: 202.

Régnier, Claire, Fontaine, Benoît and Bouchet, Philippe. (2009). Not Knowing, Not Recording, Not Listing: Numerous Unnoticed Mollusk Extinctions. Conservation Biology 23(5): 1214-1221.

Smith, Donal et al. (2023). Extinct in the wild: The precarious state of Earth’s most threatened group of species. Science 379(6634): eadd2889.


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