Rhynchotalona latens (Sarmaja-Korjonen, Hakojarvi & Korhola, 2000)
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Synonym/s: Unapertura latens Sarmaja-Korjonen, Hakojarvi & Korhola, 2000 (original combination)
Conservation Status
Rediscovered (van Damme & Nevlainen, 2019)
Previously only known as a fossil species, living specimens were later discovered (van Damme & Nevlainen, 2019).
Finland & Russia
Only recently reported from Russia (Nigmatullin et al., 2021; Sinev & Dadykin, 2022a).
Biology & Ecology
Original scientific description:
Sarmaja-Korjonen, Kaarina, Hakojärvi, Mari and Korhola, Atte. (2000). Subfossil remains of an unknown chydorid (Anomopoda: Chydoridae) from Finland. Hydrobiologia 436(1-3): 165-169. [Abstract]
Other references:
Cotten, C. A. (1985). Cladoceran assemblages related to lake conditions of Eastern Finland. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Biology, University of Indiana, Bloomington. 96 pp.
Dadykin, Ivan A., Ivanova, Maria O., Volkova, Polina A., Novichkova, Anna A. and Chertoprud, Elena S. (2024). Filling the gaps: diversity of the freshwater microcrustaceans of Karaginsky Island (Kamchatka, Northwest Pacific). Limnology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10201-024-00770-9
Fefilova, Elena et al. (2020). Biogeographic patterns of planktonic and meiobenthic fauna diversity in inland waters of the Russian Arctic. Freshwater Biology. https://doi.org/10.1111/fwb.13624 [Abstract]
Ibragimova, A. G. et al. (2022). Cladocera remains in reconstructions of past ecological conditions of the Yamal Peninsula. Limnology and Freshwater Biology 2022 (4): 1426-1428. https://doi.org/10.31951/2658-3518-2022-A-4-1426
Korhola, A. (1992). The Early Holocene hydrosere in a small acid hill-top basin studied using crustacean sedimentary remains. Journal of Paleolimnology, 7: 1-22.
Luoto, T. P., Kivila, E. H., Kotrys, B., Plociennik, M., Rantala., M. and Nevalainen, L. (2020). Air temperature and water level inferences from northeastern Lapland (69 degrees N) since the Little Ice Age. Polish Polar Research 41(1): 23-40. https://doi.org/10.24425/ppr.2020.132568
Nevalainen, Liisa. (2008). Sexual reproduction in chydorid cladocerans (Anomopoda, Chydoridae) in southern Finland—implications for paleolimnology. Ph.D. thesis. Publications of the Department of Geology D16, University of Helsinki, Helsinki. 54 pp.
Nevalainen, Liisa, Kivilä, E. Henriikka, Luoto, Tomi P., Rantala, Marttiina V. and Van Damme, Kay. (2019). A hidden species becoming visible: biogeography and ecology of Rhynchotalona latens (Cladocera, Anomopoda, Chydoridae). Hydrobiologia 837(1): 47-59.
Nigmatullin, N. M., Nigamatzyanova, G. R., Valieva, E. A., Frolova, L. A. (2021). Recent Сladocera (Branchiopoda, Crustacea) in the taphocenoses of lakes of the Pechora River delta (Russia). Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Estestvennye Nauki 163(3): 527-537. http://doi.org/10.26907/2542-064X.2021.3.527-537 (In Russian)
Sarmaja-Korjonen, Kaarina, Szeroczyńska, Krystyna and Gąslorowski, Michal. (2003). Subfossil chydorid taxa and assemblages from lake sediments in Poland and Finland with special reference to climate. Studia Quaternaria 20: 25-34. [automatic download]
АКТУАЛЬНЫЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ ИЗУЧЕНИЯ РАКООБРАЗНЫХ, Сборник тезисов научно-практической конференции. Севастополь, 2022.
Sinev, Artem Y. and Dadykin, Ivan A. (2022b). Notes on morphology and ecology of an elusive water flea Rhynchotalona latens (Sarmaja-Korjonen, Hakojärvi & Korhola, 2000) (Crustacea: Cladocera). Zootaxa 5200(3): 260-270. https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.5200.3.4
Szeroczyńska, K. and Sarmaja-Korjonen, K. (2007). Atlas of Subfossil Cladocera from Central and Northern Europe. Friends of the Lower Vistula Society, Świecie. 84 pp.
van Damme, Kay and Nevalainen, Liisa. (2019). The most latent cladoceran in the Holarctic revealed—sinking Unapertura Sarmaja-Korjonen, Hakojärvi & Korhola, 2000 into the genus Rhynchotalona Norman, 1903 (Branchiopoda: Cladocera: Chydoridae). Zootaxa 4613(3): 463-476.
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