Mecodema costellum ssp. nov. 'spelles'
Paturau Caves mecodema weevil (proposed)
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Synonym/s: Mecodema costellum “spelles”
This taxon has not been scientifically described yet (Molloy & Davis, 1994:58)
Conservation Status
Extinct (Stringer & Hitchmough, 2012)
Last record: before 1840? (source)
Paturau Caves, Nelson (northwest), South Island, New Zealand
Biology & Ecology
Hitchmough, R. A., Bull, L. and Cromarty, P. (compilers). (2007). New Zealand Threat Classification System lists—2005. Department of Conservation, Wellington. 194 pp.
Larochelle, André and Larivière, Marie-Claude. (2001). Fauna of New Zealand. Number 43. Carabidae (Insecta: Coleoptera): catalogue. Lincoln, Canterbury, N.Z.: Manaaki Whenua Press. 285 pp.
Leschen, R. A. B., Marris, J. W. M., Emberson, R. M., Nunn, J., Hitchmough, R. A. and Stringer, I. A. N. (2012). The conservation status of New Zealand Coleoptera. New Zealand Entomologist 35(2): 91-98.
Molloy, Janice and Davis, A. (1994). Setting priorities for the conservation of New Zealand’s threatened plants and animals. 2nd edition (revised), collated by Christine Tisdale. Department of Conservation, Wellington, New Zealand. 64 pp.
Stringer, I. A. N. and Hitchmough, R. A. (2012). Assessing the conservation status of New Zealand’s native terrestrial invertebrates. New Zealand Entomologist 35(2): 77-84.
Townsend, J. Ian. (1990). Sub-fossils remains of Mecodema costella (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Weta 13(2): 35-37.
Townsend, J. Ian. (1997). Checklist of Nelson, Marlborough and West Coast Carabidae. An annotated list of Carabidae recorded from Nelson/Marlborough and West Coast Conservancies. Department of Conservation Nelson/ Marlborough Conservancy, Nelson, New Zealand. Occasional Publications No. 29: 19 pp. [is this a relevant citation?]
Worthy, Trevor H. and Holdaway, Richard N. (1993). Quaternary fossil faunas from caves in the Punakaiki area, West Coast, South Island, New Zealand. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 23(3): 147-154.
Worthy, Trevor H. and Holdaway, Richard N. (1996). Quaternary fossil faunas, overlapping taphonomies, and palaeofaunal reconstruction in North Canterbury, South Island, New Zealand. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 26(3): 275-361.