
Tengella perfuga Dahl, 1901



Taxonomy & Nomenclature



Conservation Status

Rediscovered in 2012 (Leister et al., 2013)















Original scientific description:

Dahl, F. (1901). Nachtrag zur Uebersicht der Zoropsiden. Sitzungs-berichte Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin, 1901: 244-255.


Other references:

Alfaro, Rachael E., Griswold, Charles E. and Miller, Kelly B. (2018). The ontogeny of the spinning apparatus of Tengella perfuga (Araneae: Zoropsidae). Invertebrate Biology 137(3): 187-204.

Candia-Ramírez, D. T. and Valdez-Mondragón, A. (2014). A new troglobitic species of the spider genus Tengella Dahl (Araneae, Tengellidae) from Chiapas, Mexico. Zootaxa 3764(3): 377-386.

Correa-Garhwal, S. M., Chaw, R. C., Clarke, T. H. III, Alaniz, L. G., Chan, F. S. and Alfaro, R. E. et al. (2018). Silk genes and silk gene expression in the spider Tengella perfuga (Zoropsidae), including a potential cribellar spidroin (CrSp). PLoS ONE 13(9): e0203563.

Lehtinen, P. T. (1967). Classification of the cribellate spiders and some allied families, with notes on the evolution of the suborder Araneomorpha. Annales Zoologici Fennici 4: 199-468.

Leister, M., Mallis, R. and Miller, K. (2013). The male of Tengella perfuga Dahl, 1901 with re-description of the female and comparisons with T. radiata (Kulczynski, 1909) (Araneae: Tengellidae). Zootaxa 3709(2): 185-199.

Mallis, Rachael E. and Miller, Kelly B. (2017). Natural history and courtship behavior in Tengella perfuga Dahl, 1901 (Araneae: Zoropsidae). Journal of Arachnology 45(2): 166-176.

Platnick, N. I. (2009). A review of the spider genus Tengella (Araneae: Tengellidae). Contributions to Natural History 12: 1071-1080.


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