
Dromaius peroni Rothschild, 1907:235



Taxonomy & Nomenclature

Synonyms (following Worthy & Nguyen, 2020): Peronista peroni (Rothschild); Mathews 1913, A List of the Birds of Australia: 2; Peronista spenceri (Mathews); Mathews 1913, A List of the Birds of Australia: 2


Conservation Status

Invalid (synonym of D. n. minor) (Worthy & Nguyen, 2020; Worthy et al., 2024).



King Island, Tasmania, Australia


The original type locality (Kangaroo Island, South Australia) was in error (Worthy & Nguyen, 2020)


Anatomy & Morphology



Biology & Ecology










Original scientific description:

Rothschild, Lionel Walter. (1907). Extinct birds: an attempt to write in one volume a short account of those birds which have become extinct in historical times, that is within the last six or seven hundred years: to which are added a few which still exist, but are on the verge of extinction. London: Hutchinson & Co. XXIX + 243 pp. [p. 235-236, pl. 40]


Other references:

Balouet, J. C. and Jouanin, C. (1990). Systématique et origine géographique de émeus récoltés par l’expédetion Baudin. L’Oiseau et la Revue Française d’Ornithologie, 60( [in French]), 314-318.

Hume, Julian Pender and Walters, Michael P. (2012). Extinct Birds. T. & AD Poyser. 544 pp.

Jouanin, C. (1959). Les Emeus de l’expedition Baudin. L’Oiseau et la Revue française d’Ornithologie 29: 169-203.

Mathews, Gregory M. (1913). A List of the Birds of Australia: Containing the names and synonyms connected with each genus, species, and subspecies of birds found in Australia, at present known to the author. Witherby.

Worthy, Trevor H. and Nguyen, Jacqueline M. T. (2020). An annotated checklist of the fossil birds of Australia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 144(1): 66-108.

Worthy, Trevor H., Nguyen, Jacqueline M. T. and Travouillon, Kenny J. (2024). Checklist of the Fossil Bird Species of Australia. Available from: [Accessed 24 November 2024]

Worthy, Trevor H., Nguyen, Jacqueline M. T. and Travouillon, Kenny J. (2025). Checklist of the Fossil Bird Species of Australia. Available from: [Accessed 1 March 2025]


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