
Dromaius novaehollandiae minor Spencer, 1906:140

King Island (dwarf) emu, Black emu



Taxonomy & Nomenclature

Synonym/s: Dromaius ater Vieillot, 1817 (nomen novum for D. n. novaehollandiae?); Dromaius novaehollandiae ater Vieillot, 1817 (nomen novum for D. n. novaehollandiae?); Casuarius diemenianus Jennings, 1828:382; Dromaeus parvulus 'Gould' (fide Broderip, 1842:145); Dromaeus minor Spencer, 1906:140; Dromaeus bassi Legge, 1907:119


Dromaius (novaehollandiae) ater appears to be a nomen novum ("new name") for the living nominate form D. n. novaehollandiae, hence its use in connection with the current taxon is probably in error.

Generally considered a full species nowadays (e.g. BirdLife International, 2008), a new article (Heupink, Huynen & Lambert, 2011) provides convincing evidence that the King Island Emu is, rather, a subspecies of the mainland population of emus.


Conservation Status


Last record: 1805 (Kittelberger et al., 2024); May 1822

IUCN RedList status: Extinct


According to (Le Souef, 1904) a sealer named Cowper told men from Baudin's 1802-1803 expedition that he had killed around 300 hundred of the resident emus on King Island. This no doubt had a significant impact on the population, and may itself have been enough to push the population past the viability threshold and into inevitable extinction.



King Island, Tasmania, Australia


Biology & Ecology







Above: an illustration by Charles-Alexandre Lesueur (c.1808-1811). Possibly depicting a Kangaroo Island emu (standing) and King Island emu (laying down) (see Pfennigwerth, 2010b). Source: Wikimedia Commons.


Above: illustration by Henrik Grønvold based upon the one above by Charles-Alexandre Lesueur, published in (Mathews, 1910-1911:pl.4).


Above: specimen in the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle. Source: Wikimedia Commons.



Original scientific description:

Spencer, Baldwin. (1906). The King Island Emu. The Victorian Naturalist 23(7): 139-140.


Other references:

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* Can also be seen here


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