
Dromaius novaehollandiae diemenensis Le Souëf, 1907:13

Tasmanian emu



Taxonomy & Nomenclature

Synonym/s: Dromaeius diemenensis Le Souëf, 1907:13; Dromaeius diemenensis Le Souëf, 1904a,b; Dromaius diemenianus Le Souëf, 1907:13


The taxonomic status of the extinct emus from Flinders Island is not certain (McCarthy, 1965; Serventy, 1967?; Hume & Walters, 2012:23). Julian Hume et al. searched Flinders Island for subfossil material, but did not find any (Hume, 2017; Hume et al., 2017).


Conservation Status


Last record: 1830's (Dooley, 2017); 1839 or later; 1865?; 1870 (Basset Hull, 1944); 1873 (Le Souëf, 1904b:230)



Tasmania, Australia


Biology & Ecology




Aboriginal Song sung by the Women in chorus, by various Tribes of the Natives of Van Diemen's Land.


Nīkkĕh nīngĕh tībrĕh nīckĕh    mōllŷgă pōllŷlă...

The married woman     hunts     the kangaroo and wallaby. . .

Nāmă rykēnnĕh trĕhgānā...

The emu runs in the forest...

Nābĕh thīnnīnnĕh trĕhgānă.

The boomer (kangaroo) runs in the forest.

Nĕhnānĕh kĕhgrēnnă... nynābythĭnnĕh...

    The young emu...          the little kangaroo...

          trīngĕh gūggĕrră...            pȳāthĭnnĕh...

the little joey (sucking kangaroo)... the bandicoot...

nŷnābŷthīnnĕh-kōōbrŷnĕh... mārĕh tĕrrēnnĕh...

the little kangaroo-rat...       the white kangaroo-rat...

pŷāthĭnnĕh pŭngōōthīnnĕh... lŏŏkōōthīnnĕh...

    the little opossum...           the ringtailed opossum...

   mytōppynĕh... trŷnōōnĕh...

the big opossum...    the tiger-cat...

   wāthĕrrūngĭnnă... mārĕh būnnă..

the dog-faced opossum... the black cat.




"Ronald Campbell Gunn also collected animals for the British Museum, including the now extinct Tasmanian emu." (p.181)

(source: Webb, Joan. (2003). The Botanical Endeavour: Journey Towards a Flora of Australia. Chipping Norton, NSW: Surrey Betty & Sons. 289 pp.)


An intact egg with a chick inside is in private hands in Tasmania (Anonymous, pers. comm. 16 November 2016).



Above: A watercolour by William Porden Kay depicts emus at Stanley during the 1840s. Source: Wikimedia Commons.


Above: colour plate by J. G. Keulemans, published in (Mathews, 1910-1911:pl.2).



Original scientific description:

Le Souëf, William Henry Dudley (1907). [Description of Dromaius novaehollandiae diemenensis]. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 21: 13.


Other references:

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* Published in 1907?


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