
Silene rothmaleri P.Silva (1956:28)



Taxonomy & Nomenclature

Synonym/s: Silene hifacensis subsp. rothmaleri (P.Silva) Breistr. in Bull. Soc. Bot. France 110(89 Sess. Extr.): 129 (1966)


Conservation Status

Last (and only) record: 1945 (Dinter & Greuter, 2004:371)

Rediscovered in March 2000 (specimen); later in 2000 (recognition) (Dinter & Greuter, 2004:371)





Biology & Ecology










Original scientific description:

Silva, A. R. Pinto da. (1956). As espécies portuguesas de Silene sect. Botryosilene Rohrb. Agron. Lusit. 18: 24-29.


Other references:

Dinter, I. and Greuter, W. (2004). Silene rothmaleri (Caryophyllaceae), believed extinct, rediscovered at Cabo de Sao Vicente (Algarve, Portugal). Willdenowia 34(2): 371-380.

Domina, Gianniantonio, Bazan, Giuseppe, Campisi, Patrizia and Greuter, Werner. (2015). Taxonomy and conservation in Higher Plants and Bryophytes in the Mediterranean Area. Biodiversity Journal 6(1): 197-204.

Greuter, Werner. (1991). Botanical diversity, endemism, rarity, and extinction in the Mediterranean area: an analysis based on the published volumes of Med-Checklist. Botanika Chronika 10: 63-79.

Greuter, Werner. (1994). Extinctions in Mediterranean areas. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Ser. B, 344: 41-46.

Greuter, Werner and Raus, T. (ed.). (1984). Med-Checklist notulae, 9. Willdenowia 14: 37-54.

Tutin, T. G. et al. (eds.). (1993). Flora Europaea ed. 2, 1: 1-581. Cambridge University Press.


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