Opuntia linguiformis Griffiths (1908:270)
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Synonyms: Opuntia lindheimeri var. linguiformis (Griffiths) L.D.Benson in Cact. Succ. J. (Los Angeles) 41: 125 (1969); Opuntia engelmannii var. linguiformis (Griffiths) B.D.Parfitt & Pinkava in Madroño 35: 347 (1988 publ. 1989); Opuntia engelmannii subsp. linguiformis (Griffiths) Lodé in Cact.-Advent. Int. [Almeria] 35: 182 (2023)
Conservation Status
Invalid (synonym of O. engelmannii lindheimeri) (POWO, 2024)
Distribution & Habitat
Anatomy & Morphology
Biology & Ecology
Flora of North America Editorial Committee. (2003). Flora of North America North of Mexico 4: 1-559. Oxford University Press, New York, Oxford.
POWO. (2024). Plants of the World Online (online resource). Facilitated by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, United Kingdom. Available at: https://powo.science.kew.org/ [Accessed 10 July 2024]
Verloove, F. and Guiggi, A. (2019). Futher records of cacti (Cactaceae) from Tarragona province (Catalonia), Spain. Haseltonia 26: 23-35.
Walter, Kerry S. and Gillett, Harriet J. (eds.). (1998). 1997 IUCN Red List of Threatened Plants. Compiled by the World Conservation Monitoring Centre. Gland, Switzerland & Cambridge, UK: IUCN – The World Conservation Union. lxiv + 862 pp. [lists the taxon as Extinct (p. 103)]