
Ursus spelaeus spelaeus Rosenmüller, 1794

Cave bear



Taxonomy & Nomenclature



Conservation Status
















NB: many of the references listed below may refer to other taxa.


Original scientific description:

Rosenmüller, Johann Christian. (1794). Quaedam de ossibus fossilibus animalis cuiusdam, historiam eius et cognitionem accuratiorem illustrantia, dissertatio, quam d. 22. Octob. 1794 ad disputandum proposuit Ioannes Christ. Rosenmüller Heßberga-Francus, LL.AA.M. in Theatro anatomico Lipsiensi Prosector assumto socio Io. Chr. Aug. Heinroth Lips. Med. Stud. Cum tabula aenea.- 34 S., Leipzig.


Other references:

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