
Panthera leo clueti (Filhol, 1891)



Taxonomy & Nomenclature



Conservation Status

Extinct if valid



Iberian Peninsula


Biology & Ecology










Castaños, Pedro. (2005). Estudio paleontológico de un esqueleto de león, Panthera leo de la Sima de Azoleta, Gorbeia, Alava. Munibe [Antropologia, Arkeologia] 57: 123-129.

Villaluenga, Artiza. (2022). Biogeographical analysis of Upper Pleistocene felid (Felis, Lynx and Panthera) remains in archaeological sites on the Iberian Peninsula, pp. 79-98. In: Conard, Nicholas J., Hassmann, Henning, Hillgruber, Kurt Felix, Serangeli, Jordi and Terberger, Thomas (eds.). The Homotherium Finds from Schöningen 13II-4. Man and Big Cats of the Ice Age. Forschungen zur Urgeschichte aus dem Tagebau von Schöningen 4.


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