
Canis rufus Audubon & Bachman, 1851

Red wolf



Taxonomy & Nomenclature

Synonym/s: Canis lupus rufus Audubon & Bachman, 1851


Conservation Status

Formerly extinct in the wild





Biology & Ecology










Barnes, Tanner M. et al. (2022). Genetic diversity and family groups detected in a coyote population with red wolf ancestry on Galveston Island, Texas. BMC Ecology and Evolution 22: 134.

Bohling, Justin H., and Lisette P. Waits. “Factors Influencing Red Wolf–coyote Hybridization in Eastern North Carolina, USA.” Biological Conservation 184 (April 1, 2015): 108–16. 

Carley, C. J. (1975). Activities and findings of the Red Wolf Field Recovery program from late 1973 to 1 July, 1975. U.S.F. & W. Report. 215 pp.

Carley, C. J. (1979a). Report and philosophy on Red Wolf translocations, pp. 76-80. In: Lockwood, R. (ed.). Proceedings on the 2nd Symposium on Endangered North American Wildlife and Habitat – July 1-5, 1977. St. Louis, Missouri: The Wild Canid Survival and Research Center, Inc.

Carley, C. J. (1979b). Status summary: the Red Wolf (Canis rufus). U.S.F. & W. Endangered Species Report. No. 7.

Carley, C. J. (1979c). Report on the successful translocation experiment of Red Wolves (Canis rufus) to Bulls Island, South Carolina. Paper presented at the Portland Wolf Symposium, lewis and Clark College, Portland, Oregon, August 13-17, 1979.

Dellinger, Justin A., Brian L. Ortman, Todd D. Steury, Justin Bohling, and Lisette P. Waits. “Food Habits of Red Wolves during Pup-Rearing Season.” Southeastern Naturalist 10, no. 4 (December 1, 2011): 731–40.

Dellinger, Justin A., Christine Proctor, Todd D. Steury, Marcella J. Kelly, and Michael R. Vaughan. “Habitat Selection of a Large Carnivore, the Red Wolf, in a Human-Altered Landscape.” Biological Conservation 157 (January 1, 2013): 324–30.

Hardee, Jessica. (2024). On the brink: Red wolves on the Albemarle Peninsula. Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum XXXV(1): 111-134.


Hinton, Joseph W., and Michael J. Chamberlain. “Space and Habitat Use by a Red Wolf Pack and Their Pups During Pup-Rearing.” The Journal of Wildlife Management 74, no. 1 (December 13, 2010): 55–58.

Hinton, Joseph W., Christine Proctor, Marcella J. Kelly, Frank T. van Manen, Michael R. Vaughan, and Michael J. Chamberlain. “Space Use and Habitat Selection by Resident and Transient Red Wolves (Canis Rufus).” PLOS ONE 11, no. 12 (December 21, 2016): e0167603.

Hinton Joseph W., White Gary C., Rabon David R., and Chamberlain Michael J. “Survival and Population Size Estimates of the Red Wolf.” The Journal of Wildlife Management 81, no. 3 (March 28, 2017): 417-428.

Horan, J. (1977). Hope for the Red Wolf. Defenders 52(1): 16-19.

Joslin, Paul and Maryanka, Daphne. (1968). Endangered Mammals of the World: Report on Status and Action Treatment. IUCN Publications, New Series, Supplementary Paper No. 13: 34 pp. [as [i]Canis niger[/i]]

Steven T. Kalinowski  Philip W. Hedrick  Philip S. Miller. (1999). No Inbreeding Depression Observed in Mexican and Red Wolf Captive Breeding Programs. Conservation Biology 13(6): 1371-1377. [Abstract]

Lee, T. E., Fisher, D. O., Blomberg, S. P. and Wintle, B. A. (2017). Extinct or still out there? Disentangling influences on extinction and rediscovery helps to clarify the fate of species on the edge. Global Change Biology 23(2): 621-634.

Manen, Frank T. van, Barron A. Crawford, and Joseph D. Clark. “Predicting Red Wolf Release Success in the Southeastern United States.” The Journal of Wildlife Management 64, no. 4 (2000): 895-902.

McCarley, H. (1962). The taxonomic status of wild Canis (Canidae) in the south central United States. Southwestern Naturalist 7(3-4): 227-235.

McCarley, H. and Carley, C. J. (1979). Recent changes in distribution and status of wild Red Wolves (Canis rufus). U.S.F. & W. Endangered Species Report. No. 4.

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2019). Evaluating the Taxonomic Status of the Mexican Gray Wolf and the Red Wolf. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. 104 pp.

Nelson, Allison. (2023). An Exploration of the Canis lupus and Canis rufus Species Boundary via Morphometrics. MSc thesis, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Indiana University.

Nowak, R. (1974). Red Wolf – our most endangered mammal. National Parks and Conservation Magazine 48(8): 9-12.

O'Neal, Shane. (2018). A Comprehensive Assessment of Red Wolf Reintroduction Sites. Masters project, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University.

Paradiso, J. (1968). Canids recently collected in east Texas, with comments on the taxonomy of the Red Wolf. American Midland Naturalist 80(2): 529-534.

Phillips, Michael K., V. Gary Henry, and Brian T. Kelly. “Restoration of the Red Wolf.” USDA National Wildlife Research Center - Staff Publications, January 1, 2003, 272–88.

Riley, G. and McBride, R. (1972). A survey of the Red Wolf (Canis rufus). Special Sci. Rep. Wildlife No. 162, USDI Washington, D.C.

Santiago-Ávila, F. J., Agan, S., Hinton, J. W. and Treves, A. (2022). Evaluating how management policies affect red wolf mortality and disappearance. R. Soc. Open Sci. 9: 210400.

Smith, Donal et al. (2023). Extinct in the wild: The precarious state of Earth’s most threatened group of species. Science 379(6634): eadd2889.

Sutherland, Ron. “By Night, Hunters Would Blast Red Wolves into Extinction.” The News & Observer. March 4, 2017, sec. Op-Ed.

Thornback, Jane and Jenkins, Martin (compilers). (1982). The IUCN Mammal Red Data Book. Part 1: Threatened Mammalian Taxa of the Americas and the Australasian Zoogeographic Region (Excluding Cetacea). Gland, Switzerland: IUCN. 516 pp. [need to add references 7 through 11]

USDI. (1973). Threatened Wildlife of the United States. Resource Publ. 14. USDI, Washington, D.C.


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