Canis hodophilax Temminck, 1839:284
Honshu wolf, Honshu Island wolf, shamanu, Japanese dwarf wolf, nihon-okhami
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Synonym/s: Canis lupus hadophilax Temminck, 1839 [orth. error used by (Thornback & Jenkns, 1982:307)]; Canis lupus hodophilax Temminck, 1839; Canis hodopylax Temminck, 1844; Canis japonicus Nehring, 1885
Conservation Status
Last record: 1904 (Goodwin & Goodwin, 1973); January 1905 (Shuker, 2003); 1910?
IUCN RedList status: Regionally Extinct
The traditional date of extinction is 1905. However, a specimen killed in 1910 at Matsudaira agricultural station, Fukui prefecture, was photographed and its details recorded. Recent investigation of the photo (the specimen was destroyed by fire) by Yoshinori Imaizumi and Mizuko Yoshiyuki confirmed it as a Honshu Wolf. Thus extending its official extinction date forward 5 years.
One specimen killed and kept at a shrine, and discovered by science in 1994, was apparently dated to the 1950's. However, the authenticity of this date is not known, and it is unlikely that they could have survived so long undetected. Reports of their continued existence must be looked upon with skepticism, especially so long after the last officially recognized specimen. Taxidermies tend to look dissimilar to what the animal would have looked like in real life. So any purported sighting is unlikely, unless they actually saw at least one live specimen during the period when they were officially recognized as existing.
Honshū, Japan (historically) and Siberia (prehistorically) (Niemann et al., 2020)
Biology & Ecology
Type locality: Hondo, Japan
Referred material:
NNML 39182
Original scientific description:
Temminck, C. J. (1839). Over de Kennis en de Verbreiding der Zoogdieren van Japan. Tijdschr. Natuurl. Geschied. Physiol. 5: 284.
Other references:
Abe, M. 2001. Morphological characterization of cranium between Japanese wolf and Mongolian wolf. Forest Call 8:22-26 (in Japanese).
Allen, Barbara. (Due May 2025). Lost Animals, Disappearing Worlds: Stories of Extinction. Reaktion Books. 248 pp, 38 figs.
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