
Vinodolia fluviatilis Radoman, 1973



Taxonomy & Nomenclature

Synonym/s: Dalmatinella fluviatilis Radoman, 1973


Conservation Status


IUCN RedList status: Endangered


Extinct according to (Cowie et al., 2017), who list the species twice (under Dalmatinella and Vinodolia).





Biology & Ecology










Beran, L. (2011). Non-marine molluscs (Mollusca: Gastropoda, Bivalvia) of the Zrmanja River and its tributaries (Croatia). Natura Croatica 20: 397-409.

Cowie, Robert H., Régnier, Claire, Fontaine, Benoît, and Bouchet, Philippe. (2017). Measuring the Sixth Extinction: what do mollusks tell us? The Nautilus 131(1): 3-41.

Cuttelod, A., Seddon, M. and Neubert, E. (2011). European Red List of Non-marine Molluscs. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.

Falniowski, A. (2011). Vinodolia fluviatilis. In: IUCN 2013. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.2. ( Downloaded on 02 December 2013.

Radoman, P. (1983). Hydrobioidea, a superfamily of Prosobranchia (Gastropoda), I. Systematics. Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade.

Régnier, Claire, Fontaine, Benoît and Bouchet, Philippe. (2009). Not Knowing, Not Recording, Not Listing: Numerous Unnoticed Mollusk Extinctions. Conservation Biology 23(5): 1214-1221.


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