
Youngia nilgiriensis Babc. (1940:662)



Taxonomy & Nomenclature

Synonym/s: Youngia nilagiriensis Babc. (1940:662) [orth. error used by Rao et al., 2003:36]


Conservation Status


Last (and only) record: 1940 or earlier



Nilgiri district, Tamil Nadu, India


Anatomy & Morphology



Biology & Ecology










Original scientific description:

Babcock, E. B. (1940). A new species of Youngia and its bearing on the distribution and phylogeny of certain species. Bull. Misc. Inform. 1939: 662-663.


Other references:

Biju, S. D. (1999). Chronicle of Discoveries - The Pursuit of Plants, pp. 145-174. In: Manoharan, T. M., Biju, S. D., Nayar, T. S. and Easa, P. S. (eds.). Silent Valley: Whispers of Reason. Kerala Forest Research.

Henry, A. N., Vivekananthan, K. and Nair, N. C. (1978). Rare and Threatened Flowering Plants of South India. The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 75: 684-697 [691].

Nayar, M. P. and Sastry, A. R. K. (compilers). (1987, reprinted 2000). Red Data Book of Indian Plants. Volume 1. Calcutta: Botanical Survey of India. xiii + 367 pp, 16 pls, figs. [pp. 93-94] 

Rao, C. Kameswara, Geetha, B. L. and Suresh, Geetha. (2003). Red List of Threatened Vascular Plant Species in India: Compiled from the 1997 IUCN Red List of Threatened Plants. ENVIS Centre on Floral Diversity, Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata. xxiv + 144 pp. [automatic download]

Srivastava, R. C., Lakshminarasimhan, P., Arisdason, W. and Sardesai, M. M. (2015). Angiosperms of India known only by type collection. Journal of Threatened Taxa 7(8): 7465-7470.

Vajravelu, E. and Daniel, P. (1983). Materials for a catalogue of threatened plants of India. In: Jain, S. K. and Sastry, A. R. K. (eds.). Calcutta: Botanical Survey of India.


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