Carduncellus matritensis Pau (1904:291)
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Synonyms: Carduncellus pinnatus subsp. matritensis (Pau) Rivas Goday & Rivas Mart. in Anales Inst. Bot. Cavanilles 25: 192 (1969); Carthamus matritensis (Pau) Greuter (2003:53); Carduncellus monspelliensium subsp. matritensis (Pau) Mateo & M.B.Crespo in Flora Montiber. 59: 88 (2015); Carduncellus monspelliensium var. caulescens Willk. in M.Willkomm & J.M.C.Lange, Prodr. Fl. Hispan. 2: 136 (1865); Carduncellus monspelliensium var. megacephalus Cuatrec. in Treb. Mus. Ci. Nat. Barcelona, Sèr. Bot. 12: 471 (1929)
Abeli et al. (2021:283) regard Carduncellus matritensis as a subjective synonym of Carthamus matritensis and thus not a true extinction, however the former is the basionym of the same species. They probably meant to reduce it to a synonym of C. monspelliensium following the treatments by (López González, 2012, 2014), and as followed by (Aedo et al., 2015). However, Luengo et al. (2022a) both noted the poor quality of herbarium specimens which lead to the species being synonimised, and reported a living population whose characteristics leave no doubt that it is indeed a valid species.
Conservation Status
Last record: 1935 (Bañares et al., 2004:61); 1972 (Luengo et al., 2022a)
Rediscovered in 2021 (Luengo et al., 2022a)
Cerro Negro on the outskirts of Madrid (type locality; now extinct) & near Gran Madrid (rediscovery populations), Spain
Biology & Ecology
Original scientific description:
Pau, C. (1904). Nuevas formas españolas de plantas. Bol. Soc. Aragonesa Ci. Nat. 3: 288-293.
Other references:
Abeli, Thomas, Albani Rocchetti, Giulia, Barina, Zoltan, Bazos, Ioannis, Draper, David, Grillas, Patrick, Iriondo, José María, Laguna, Emilio, Moreno-Saiz, Juan Carlos and Bartolucci, Fabrizio. (2021). Seventeen ‘extinct’ plant species back to conservation attention in Europe. Nature Plants 7: 282-286.
Aedo, Carlos, Medina Domingo, Leopoldo, Barberá, Patricia and Fernández-Albert, M. (2015). Extinctions of vascular plants in Spain. Nordic Journal of Botany 33(1): 83-100.
Aizpuru, I. et al. (2000). Lista roja de la flora vascular española (valoración según categorí as IUCN). Conserv. Veg. 6(extra): 1-39. [considers this species extinct]
Bañares, Á., Blanca, G., Güemes, J., Moreno, J. C. and Ortiz, S. (eds.).(2004). Atlas y Libro Rojo de la Flora Vascular Amenazada de España. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza. Madrid. 1069 pp. [considers this species extinct]
Domínguez Lozano, F. (ed.). (2000). Lista Roja de la Flora Vascular Española. Conserv. Veg. 6: 11-38.
López González, G. (2012). Sobre la clasifi cación del complejo Carthamus – Carduncellus (Asteraceae, Cardueae-Centaureinae) y su tratamiento en Flora iberica. Acta Bot. Malacitana 37: 79-92.
López González, G. (2014). Carduncellus Adans. Pp. 314-342. In: Devesa, J.A., Quintanar, A. & García, M.A. (eds.), Flora Iberica. Vol. 16 (1). Madrid: Real Jardín Botánico (CSIC), LXVIII + 734 pp.
Luengo, Enrique, Labarga, Juan M. Martínez, de Pablo, Rubén, Susanna, Alfonso and Vilatersana, Roser. (2022a). The people you kill are doing quite well: The rediscovery of an “extinct” species described from the outskirts of Madrid (Spain), Carduncellus matritensis Pau (Cardueae). Capitulum 2(1): 50-56.
Luengo, Enrique, Labarga, Juan M. Martínez, de Pablo, Rubén, Susanna, Alfonso and Vilatersana, Roser. (2022b). Rediscovering Carduncellus matritensis: assessing the conservation status of an Iberian endemic. Oryx.
Moreno, J. C. (coord.). (2008). Lista Roja 2008 de la flora vascular española. Dirección General de Medio Natural y Política Forestal (Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, y Medio Rural y Marino, y Sociedad Española de Biología de la Conservación de Plantas), Madrid, 86 pp. [considers this species extinct]
I thank Rubén de Pablo, co-rediscoverer of this species, for informing of the publication of the paper announcing the rediscovery, as well as an upcoming paper in Oryx.
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