Prasophyllum sandrae D.L.Jones (2019:37)
Majors Creek leek orchid
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Synonym/s: Prasophyllum sp. Majors Creek (Jones 11084) [used by Silcock et al., 2019:5,SM:8]; Paraprasophyllum sandrae (D.L.Jones) M.A.Clem. & D.L.Jones (2019:37)
Conservation Status
Missing (Silcock et al., 2019:5,SM:8 [as Possibly extinct]) or Rediscovered (Jones, 2019:39 [by implication])
Listed as possibly extinct (prior to scientific description) by (Silcock et al., 2019:5,SM:8), but as extant by (Jones, 2019:39) who formally described the species.
"Not seen for 13 years despite searching at known site, but variability in flowering patterns suggests possibility that some plants may still exist as dormant underground tubers."
(Silcock et al., 2019:SM:8)
Distribution & Habitat
Majors Creek, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Grassy montane habitats, dominated by Themeda triandra"
(Silcock et al., 2019:SM:8)
Biology & Ecology
Original scientific description:
Jones, David L. (2019). Two new species of Prasophyllum R.Br. in the P. patens R.Br. / P. odoratum R.S.Rogers complex from south-eastern New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory. Australian Orchid Review 84(2): 35-39.
Other references:
Clements, Mark A. and Jones, David L. (2019). Notes on Australasian Orchids 5: Paraprasophyllum, a new genus in Prasophyllinae (Diurideae). Australian Orchid Review 84(5): 25-38 [37].
Govaerts, R., Nic Lughadha, E., Black, N., Turner, R. & Paton, A. (2021). The World Checklist of Vascular Plants, a continuously updated resource for exploring global plant diversity. Scientific Data 8: 215.
Silcock, Jen L., Field, Ashley R., Walsh, Neville G. and Fensham, Roderick J. (2019). To name those lost: assessing extinction likelihood in the Australian vascular flora. Oryx 54(2): 167-177. [Supplementary Material]