
Agave eggersiana Trel. (1913:28)

Eggers' century plant, Eggers' agave, St. Croix agave



Taxonomy & Nomenclature



Conservation Status

Last wild record: c.1984-1986 (USFWS, 2006)

Rediscovered in the Wild in 2010 (source)



U.S. Virgin Islands


Biology & Ecology










Acevedo-Rodriguez, P., and collaborators. (1996). Flora of St. John. Memoirs of The New York Botanical Garden Vol. 78. New York Botanical Garden, Bronx. 581 pp.

Acevedo-Rodríguez, P. and Strong, M. T. (2005). Monocotyledons and Gymnosperms of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Contributions from the United States National Herbarium 52: 1-415.

Acevedo-Rodríguez, P. and Strong, M. T. (2012). Catalogue of seed plants of the West Indies. Smithsonian Contributions to Botany 98: 1-1192.

Britton, N. L. and Wilson, P. (1923-1930). Botany of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Vols. 5 & 6 of Scientific Survey of Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands. N.Y. Acad. Sci.

Eggli, U. (ed.). (2001). Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants: Monocotyledons: 1-354. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.

Figuero-Colón, Julio C. and Woodbury, Roy O. (1996). Rare and endangered plant species of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. The scientific survey of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands: an eighty year assessment of the island's natural history, edited by J. C. Figueroa-Colón. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 776(1): 65-72.

Govaerts, R. (1995). World Checklist of Seed Plants 1(1, 2): 1-483, 1-529. MIM, Deurne.

Kartesz, J. T. (1994). A synonymized checklist of the vascular flora of the United States, Canada, and Greenland. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Timber Press, Portland, OR.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1998. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants: 90-day finding for a petition to list Agave eggersiana and Solanum conocarpum as endangered. Federal Register 63(220):63659-63661.

USFWS. (2006). Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; 12-Month Finding on a Petition To List Agave eggersiana and Solanum conocarpum as Endangered. Federal Register 

USFWS. (2010). Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants, initiation of status review for Agave eggersiana and Solanum conocarpum: Initiation of status review and solicitation of new Information, published Jan. 20, 2010, information by Feb. 19, 2010.

 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2013. Endangered Status for Agave eggersiana and Gonocalyx concolor, and Threatened Status for Varronia rupicola. Federal Register 78(204): 62560-62579.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2014. Endangered Species Status for Agave eggersiana and Gonocalyx concolor, and Threatened Species Status for Varronia rupicola. Federal Register 79(174): 53303-53315.


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